dichotomous question

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Related to dichotomous question: Open ended question

dichotomous question

(Logic) a question to which there can only be one of two answers, often "yes" or "no"
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Being a volunteer (Volunteer) only had a significant positive impact on the amount of WTP in the dichotomous question format.
Subject's intention to donate the organ was assessed using a single dichotomous question (yes or no).
Race/ethnicity was measured as a categorical variable on the basis of a composite of two items: a dichotomous question asking youths if they were of Hispanic origin and a second item asking youths to indicate their race (that is, white, black, Native American, Asian, or other).
Pozega according to the enrolled year of study question relating to structuring degree: dichotomous question, dichotomous question with only two answers, multiple--choice and open questions.
A dichotomous question used in previous surveys of adolescent females asked respondents whether they have any siblings who had been a teenage parent.
In short, this one dichotomous question about the importance of religion is by itself a potent predictor of white voters' presidential vote intentions.
[B.sub.K]} an offer is randomly chosen and presented to the individual in a dichotomous question such as: "would you vote for the implementation of environmental improvement if you had to pay [$][B.sub.i]?".
Or the dichotomous question, where the response is yes/no, true/false, male/female ...?
First, the dichotomous question of whether the commandment is for the sake of the animal or the human (in the short term) disappears, for it ignores the deep long-term interdependency that exists between us all.
A dichotomous question offers the respondent a choice between two answers.
Of all the women, 61.1% (44/72) responded affirmatively to the dichotomous question that wearing pads was bothersome, and of those, 34.1% (15/44) quantified the degree of inconvenience as very or extremely bothersome.
Biomedical research is dominated by methods and tools that have been developed to answer dichotomous questions, with the double-blind randomized controlled trial at the top of the research hierarchy.