Mentioned in
References in classic literature
Him long of old Thou didst debel, and down from Heaven cast With all his army; now thou hast avenged Supplanted Adam, and, by vanquishing Temptation, hast regained lost Paradise, And frustrated the conquest fraudulent.
In her new role, Debel will be responsible for driving growth and management of MetLife's broad range of structured risk and funding solutions for institutional retirement plans, including pension risk transfer, institutional income annuities and stable value funds.
Debel joined MetLife as treasurer in 2011 and has more than 25 years of financial experience.
Safadi held talks with Debel covering the important changes in Arab states, especially in Egypt and Syria, and their possible repercussions on the situation in Lebanon.
Born and raised on Long Island, Debel moved to Manhattan after graduating from the University of Delaware with a degree in Leadership and Consumer Economics.
Dictionary browser
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- debatably
- debate
- debateful
- Debatefully
- debatement
- debater
- debating
- debating chamber
- Debating society
- debatingly
- debauch
- debauched
- debauchedly
- Debauchedness
- debauchee
- debaucher
- debauchery
- Debauchment
- Debauchness
- debbie
- debby
- debe
- debeak
- debeard
- Debeige
- debel
- Debellate
- debellation
- debenture
- debenture bond
- Debenture stock
- Debentured
- Debereiner's lamp
- Debierne André
- debile
- Debilitant
- debilitate
- debilitated
- debilitating
- debilitation
- debilitative
- debility
- debit
- debit balance
- debit card
- debit entry
- debit note
- debit side
- debitor
- Debituminization
- Debituminize
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Full browser
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- Debbie Downers
- Debbie Felton's Academy of Dance
- Debbie Reynolds
- Debbie Zimmerman Early Years Niagara Literary Award
- Debbie-Downer
- Debbie-Downers
- Debbora
- Debbora
- Debbugs
- Debby
- Debby
- Debby
- Debby Downer
- Debby Downers
- Debe
- Debe
- Debeak
- debeaked
- Debeaking
- debeaks
- debeard
- Debed
- Debed
- Debed
- Debed
- Debed River
- Debeda River
- Debeige
- DeBeKa
- debel
- Debelianov, Dimcho
- Debellate
- Debellatio
- Debellation
- Deben
- Deben Valley Light Railway
- Debendranath Tagore
- Debenhams Furniture Store
- debenture
- debenture
- debenture
- debenture
- debenture
- debenture bond
- debenture bond
- debenture bond
- debenture bond
- debenture bonds
- debenture bonds
- debenture bonds
- debenture bonds
- Debenture Stock
- Debenture Stock
- Debenture Stock
- Debenture Stock
- Debenture Stocks
- Debenture Stocks
- Debenture, Convertible
- Debenture, Subordinated
- Debentured
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