
Also found in: Medical.


n. acción de remover.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
In 1945, Kesling (3) introduced the "tooth positioning appliance" as a method of refining the final stage of orthodontic finishing after debanding. A positioner was a one piece pliable rubber appliance fabricated on the idealized wax set-ups for patients, whose basic treatment has completed.
The company said that Topaz DeNoise 5, which is compatible with a variety of host programs such as Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Aperture, iPhoto and Lightroom, is faster than the previous version and introduces unique shadow tone restoration and dual-directional debanding capabilities, enabling photographers to solve additional problems caused by heavy noise.
Prior to debanding, radiographs were taken to ensure that there was adequate space and satisfactory root angulation to accommodate implant placement.