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Related to crustation: crustacean


the action of forming a crust
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I hastened to the aperture, and under the crustations of coral, covered with fungi, I recognised certain debris that the drags had not been able to tear up--iron stirrups, anchors, cannons, bullets, capstan fittings, the stem of a ship, all objects clearly proving the wreck of some vessel, and now carpeted with living flowers.
The soil treatment application promotes seed germination, allows faster plant growth, provides more efficient use of moisture and nutrients, reduces erosion and crustation, and thus improves crop yields.
A 28 year old female patient reported to our post graduate Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology with chief compliant of crustation of lips for the past 3 years (Figure 1) associated with periods of exacrabations and remissions.
This kind of crustation is evident in all the economic deposits throughout the world with the exception of recent sedimentary deposits found on riverbeds, lake beds or mountain slopes.
Also a particular female of a species would become a mail, some fish are died before consumption; we were given a choice of crustacean and crustation depending on the display panel, and one type of fish gave off a discuisting substance.
It was midnight on the 30th day of October 2003, when the graves began to shake and leper-looking fists punched through the thick crustation of soil.
CRUSTATION: Bloom (Jive) If you like Portishead, Tricky, Massive Attack and feeling chilled out at 3 in the morning, you'll love this.
Extra oral examination revealed crustations on the upper lip border.
The main food items are crabs and lobster-like crustations. And large tilefish eat more finfish and will even eat small tilefish given the chance.