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1. Of, involving, or having the nature of crime: criminal abuse.
2. Relating to the administration of penal law.
a. Guilty of crime.
b. Characteristic of a criminal.
4. Shameful; disgraceful: a criminal waste of talent.
One that has committed or been legally convicted of a crime.
[Middle English, from Old French criminel, from Late Latin crīminālis, from Latin crīmen, crīmin-, accusation; see crime.]
crim′i·nal·ly adv.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Adv. | 1. | criminally - in a shameful manner; "the garden was criminally neglected" |
2. | criminally - in violation of the law; in a criminal manner; "the alterations in the document were ruled to be criminally fraudulent" |
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[ˈkrɪmɪnəlɪ] ADV1. (Jur) they are criminally liable → se les puede imputar delito
the hospital staff had been criminally negligent → el personal del hospital había cometido delito por negligencia
they are criminally responsible from the age of 16 → son responsables desde el punto de vista penal a partir de los 16 años
the criminally insane → los delincuentes psicóticos
the hospital staff had been criminally negligent → el personal del hospital había cometido delito por negligencia
they are criminally responsible from the age of 16 → son responsables desde el punto de vista penal a partir de los 16 años
the criminally insane → los delincuentes psicóticos
2. (= shamefully) → vergonzosamente
the pay was criminally poor → el sueldo era tan bajo que daba vergüenza, el sueldo era vergonzosamente bajo
the pay was criminally poor → el sueldo era tan bajo que daba vergüenza, el sueldo era vergonzosamente bajo
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[ˈkrɪmɪnəli] adv (according to the law) [responsible, liable] → pénalement
(= seriously) [expensive, underpaid] → scandaleusement
criminally irresponsible → d'une irresponsabilité criminelle
criminally stupid → d'une stupidité criminellecriminally insane
criminally irresponsible → d'une irresponsabilité criminelle
criminally stupid → d'une stupidité criminellecriminally insane
adj → psychopathe
the criminally insane → les psychopathes mplcriminal offence n → délit m
It's a criminal offence → C'est un délit.criminal profiling n → profilage m criminelcriminal record n → casier m judiciaire
to have a criminal record → avoir un casier judiciaireCriminal Records Bureau n (British) en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles, service du casier judiciaire qui informe les employeurs des antécédents criminels de candidats au recrutementcriminal wrongdoing n → actes mpl criminels
the criminally insane → les psychopathes mplcriminal offence n → délit m
It's a criminal offence → C'est un délit.criminal profiling n → profilage m criminelcriminal record n → casier m judiciaire
to have a criminal record → avoir un casier judiciaireCriminal Records Bureau n (British) en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles, service du casier judiciaire qui informe les employeurs des antécédents criminels de candidats au recrutementcriminal wrongdoing n → actes mpl criminels
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
adv → kriminell, verbrecherisch; criminally liable (Jur) → strafrechtlich verantwortlich, schuldfähig; he thought she behaved quite criminally (fig) → seiner Meinung nach hat sie sich kriminell verhalten
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(kraim) noun1. act(s) punishable by law. Murder is a crime; Crime is on the increase.
2. something wrong though not illegal. What a crime to cut down those trees!
criminal (ˈkriminl) adjective1. concerned with crime. criminal law.
2. against the law. Theft is a criminal offence.
3. very wrong; wicked. a criminal waste of food.
noun a person who has been found guilty of a crime.
ˈcriminally adverbKernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.