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the flowing of two fluids in opposite directions in adjacent parts of an apparatus
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Cal instead suggested using a mathematical model where buses are allowed to counterflow on Edsa and C5, while keeping private vehicles on a one-way traffic flow like in Bangkok, Thailand.
Mesa, Jacinto - Zamora Bridge, counterflow (new open median island) then left at Beata to destination.
The unit has a consistent counterflow water supply.
NLEX said it is ready to implement its motorist assistance program to ensure hassle-free travel during holidays in NLEX-SCTEX given the expected increase in traffic volume, including extended working hours for traffic personnel, opening of additional toll lanes, setting up of counterflow lanes in strategic areas and free towing services.
A funky undertow lifts up Provider from generic lounge music with snatches of electric guitar counterflow added to the mix.
M2 EQUITYBITES-November 6, 2018-Napatech to Sell Pandion Network Recorder Product Line to CounterFlow AI
To work with these constraints, SPX Cooling Technologies has modularised the production and field assembly processes for counterflow FEP towers.
Counterflow diffusion flames are frequently used in experimental and theoretical research because they represent essentially a one-dimensional structure of diffusion flame, which provides valuable data with respect to optimizing combustion processes and experimental data for validation of flame modelling.
Adding traffic and dangerous counterflow into a very popular brand name drive in coffee shop will cause accidents.
The performances depend on some design features of the system, especially on the arrangement of the heat exchangers (parallel or counterflow).
Lane formation in pedestrian counterflow is an interesting self-organizing phenomenon.