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 (kŏn′stĭ-to͞ot′, -tyo͞ot′)
tr.v. con·sti·tut·ed, con·sti·tut·ing, con·sti·tutes
a. To be the elements or parts of; compose: Copper and tin constitute bronze.
b. To amount to; equal: "Rabies is transmitted through a bite; ... patting a rabid animal in itself does not constitute exposure" (Malcolm W. Browne).
a. To set up or establish according to law or provision: a body that is duly constituted under the charter.
b. To found (an institution, for example).
c. To enact (a law or regulation).
3. To appoint to an office, dignity, function, or task; designate.

[Middle English constituten, from Latin cōnstituere, cōnstitūt-, to set up : com-, com- + statuere, to set up; see stā- in Indo-European roots.]

con′sti·tut′er, con′sti·tu′tor n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.constituted - brought about or set up or accepted; especially long established; "the established social order"; "distrust the constituted authority"; "a team established as a member of a major league"; "enjoyed his prestige as an established writer"; "an established precedent"; "the established Church"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
Those who are not professional metaphysicians are willing to confess that they do not know what mind actually is, or how matter is constituted; but they remain convinced that there is an impassable gulf between the two, and that both belong to what actually exists in the world.
But I think the person is not an ingredient in the single thought: he is rather constituted by relations of the thoughts to each other and to the body.
It is held that knowledge of the outer world is constituted by the relation to the object, while the fact that knowledge is different from what it knows is due to the fact that knowledge comes by way of contents.
The poem styled "Romance," constituted the Preface of the
It seemed that this poor ignorant Monarch -- as he called himself -- was persuaded that the Straight Line which he called his Kingdom, and in which he passed his existence, constituted the whole of the world, and indeed the whole of Space.
Moreover, as each individual occupied the whole of the narrow path, so to speak, which constituted his Universe, and no one could move to the right or left to make way for passers by, it followed that no Linelander could ever pass another.
At my direction they placed the stuff in one of the back rooms, and then departed, only to return with a second load, which they advised me constituted the balance of my goods.
One of the girls I charged with the duties of my simple cuisine, and directed the others to take up the various activities which had formerly constituted their vocations.
From this fundamental difference between the view held by history and that held by jurisprudence, it follows that jurisprudence can tell minutely how in its opinion power should be constituted and what power- existing immutably outside time- is, but to history's questions about the meaning of the mutations of power in time it can answer nothing.
This has prompted the city government to call on the barangay councils to organize their BESWMC after the latest audit report of the Commission on Audit (COA) showed that out of 182 barangays, only 15% or 28 barangays have constituted the BESWMC.
'Due to said provision, only one bench can be constituted...
However, whilst the UAE has ratified the LLMC 1976, it is widely accepted that the UAE Courts will not constitute a limitation fund in the UAE even if a limitation fund would ordinarily be constituted in other contracting States in the same circumstances.