Using six GoPro cameras, the team tracked the initial
compression wave and the following tension wave as the unit cells returned to normal.
where [V.sub.11], [V.sub.22], [V.sub.33] are
compression wave velocities measured in the directions 1-1', 2-2', 3-3'; [V.sub.12] and [V.sub.13] are shear wave velocities measured in the direction 1-1' with PVs in the directions 2-2', 3-3'; [V.sub.21], [V.sub.23] - in the direction 2-2' with the PVs of the shear wave in the directions 1-1', 3-3'; [V.sub.31], [V.sub.32] - in the direction 3-3' with the PVs in the directions 1-1', 2-2', respectively (Fig.
High-rate mechanical insult was defined as one millisecond or less exposure to a transient overpressure
compression wave. The specific injury model was designed to simulate military-relevant conditions that result from exposure to explosive devices.
The propagation speed of a seismic
compression wave depends on the density and elasticity of the medium and should therefore correspond with zones of compression and decompression near the main nodes of the fundamental field F.
One can see that an elastic
compression wave (generated by the initial pressure discontinuity) propagates through the liquid coolant at a high velocity, comparable with the speed of sound in liquid lead.
However, this predominant backward slow-wave theory cannot explain some experimental phenomena [3-6] favoring the fast
compression wave theory that would exist in the lymph fluids surrounding the BM.
Compression wave-expression wave and
compression wave are formed caused by isolated roughness.
compression wave spreads to a free surface and reflects, the
compression wave changes into a tensile wave, and then, tensile wave acts on rock.
Because this approach is based on the piano hammer model, we are limited to describing only the
compression wave propagation ([epsilon](x, t) > 0).
The shelter has, over the course of six Independent live field explosions, consistently reduced the amplitude and severity of a shock wave, thanks to its ability to reduce the rise time of a shock wave by as much as one thousand-fold, and reduce a shock wave to a
compression wave.