common rorqual

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Related to common rorqual: Balaenopteridae, Rorqual whale
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.common rorqual - large flat-headed whalebone whale having deep furrows along the throatcommon rorqual - large flat-headed whalebone whale having deep furrows along the throat; of Atlantic and Pacific
rorqual, razorback - any of several baleen whales of the family Balaenopteridae having longitudinal grooves on the throat and a small pointed dorsal fin
Balaenoptera, genus Balaenoptera - type genus of the Balaenopteridae
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References in periodicals archive ?
Also called the finback whale, razorback or common rorqual, it is found in all the world's major oceans from polar to tropical waters.
Australia accused Japan on April 1 of planning to step up whaling activities by hunting humpback whales and common rorquals in addition to its current catches of smaller minke whales.