
Also found in: Legal.


1. the act of mixing together
2. the state of being commixed
3. Scots law the mixing together of property of different owners
4. Christianity the act of putting a piece of the Host into the chalice
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Por lo tanto, ha de afirmarse que, si el principio de la generacion es el huevo (el ovario), lo que se forma en dicho ovario ha de ser un feto con forma humana y por lo tanto adecuado para recibir el bautismo: <<Siendo, pues, repugnante, por las razones alegadas, que del huevo, o semilla, contenida en el ovario de la mujer, se forme individuo, que no sea de la especie humana, aun cuando se siga generacion por la commixtion de la mujer con un bruto, sera el nacido, no de la especie del masculo, sino de la de la hembra: luego se debera bautizar>> (19).
Of matrimony also I find very much in scripture, and among other things, that it is a mean whereby God doth use the infirmity of our concupiscence to the setting forth of his glory, and increase of the world, thereby sanctifying the act of carnal commixtion between the man and the wife to that use; yea, although one party be an infidel: and in this matrimony is also a promise of salvation, if the parents bring up their children in the faith, love, and fear of God.