
Also found in: Medical.


adj, combier or combiest
rare resembling a comb
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The comby pany said the larger tremor lasted for less than one second.
Crook Town have injury doubts over midfielder Adam Comby and winger Daniel Smith for their trip to Heaton Stannington.
De esta manera, se ha dado un paso desde la planificacion urbana integral hacia proyectos concretos en determinadas areas de la ciudad, junto con un mayor peso de los agentes privados en el desarrollo de la ciudad, y con la mayor importancia de la ley de la oferta y la demanda a la hora de explicar determinadas pautas de crecimiento urbano (Comby 2000; Bellet 2007; Glasze 2000; Roitman 2008).
Comby et al., "The disposition of voriconazole in mouse, rat, rabbit, guinea pig, dog, and human," Drug Metabolism and Disposition, vol.
HEATON STANNINGTON: Mullen, Middleton, Deagle, Ray, Imray, Bailey, Holland, Robertson, Wright (Hoggins), Jones (Johnson) Turnbull Subs: Tait, McKenna, Laidler CROOK TOWN: Liddicott, Stephenson, Parvin, Comby, Weston, Morris, Johnson, Emms, Paul (Kent), Pigg (Mohamed), Cooper Subs: Bending, Scott
Nuclear engineer Bruno Comby, president of Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy and renowned industry spokesman, writes that even a jetliner flown into a nuclear power plant would "have much smaller effects and casualties than the same airplane on any inhabited large building of any city."
80kg: Jack Comby (Spennymoor) v Andre Vidal Jnr (Leigh ABC).
Philippe Comby, co-manager of Hottinger Capital Corpa[euro](tm)s Swiss Helvetia Fund, a shareholder of Actelion, commented that the company no longer faced a risk and would surely become a takeover target.