

(Instruments) a person who plays the clavecin
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He was replaced forthwith and with bravura by his assistant, the Italian clavecinist Jacopo Raffaele, and had happily recovered the next day
The piece not only pays homage to the great French clavecinist composer, Francois Couperin, as its title suggests, but, more pertinently, each of the six pieces in the suite is dedicated to a fallen soldier Ravel had known.
Clavecinist debarred his instrument, He yet thrums - shirking neither turn nor trill, With desperate finger on dumb table-edge - (The Ring and the Book, i.
a good clavecinist'--in order to explain that, although his present circumstances prevent him from calling on C.
Nicolas Bernier (1665-1734) distinguished himself as a composer, clavecinist, theoretician, and pedagogue.
Instead, Ravel sought new ways of expanding and burnishing the classical forms that he inherited, especially from Mozart and the French clavecinists whom he adored, and in this regard he could be considered a late successor to Saint-Saens .(who would hardly have approved).