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(ˌklærəˈbɛlə) or


(Instruments) an eight-foot flute stop on an organ
[C19: from Latin clāra, feminine of clārus clear + bella, feminine of bellus beautiful]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Clarabella Aesthetics and Clear Sight Center, 7101 Northwest Expressway, Ste.
It has been suggested that Bella had been a Nazi spy named Clarabella, who parachuted into the West Midlands in 1941 but failed to make radio contact and disappeared.
Clara Bauerle - a name easily mutated into "Clarabella" - had performed in West Midland music halls before the war and had an uncanny ability to mimic the Brummie accent.
On which musical instrument might you find a clarabella?
These include covers of Chuck Berry's 'Too Much Monkey Business', a Frank Pingatore song called 'Clarabella' and an unreleased Lennon and McCartney tune called 'I'll Be on My Way'.
E con il fumetto Il Tesoro di Clarabella preso in mano "d'istinto" che Yambo inizia ad uscire fuori dai suo "labirinto" senza emozioni e scopre finalmente la chiave per ritrovarle (Fiamma, 72-76).
Out of the unraced Claramount mare Clarabella, the colt represented a very healthy return on his sire's stud fee of EUR3,500.
pounds 4.99) tells the story of the animals in the Mango House Tree who wake up and brush their teeth, including Clarabella the crocodile.