(16) A few articles have investigated the legal
citational footnote as a phenomenon, commenting on its overuse and overextension.
Finally, Brown placed Mongrain on a square, miked floor in the center of the stage, and the dance began: a
citational riff on tap and the tricky exchange between performer and crowd.
Helen Whall traces a change in successive editions of Bartlett's Familiar Quotations, a purely
citational work if ever there was one; whereas the collection originally presented itself as a storehouse of important passages to be treasured, it soon became seen as a repository of materials from which writers, such as the Shakespeare-quoting characters of Star Trek, could draw to enhance their own prestige and profit.
(32) This crucial move is made without
citational support from Aristotle's texts and is given as follows: Distributive justice presupposes a partitioning of a common asset into portions (e.g.
Garner, The
Citational Footnote, 13 Appellate Advocate 2 (Winter 2000) with Mark E.
The worksheet was prepared using Wordsmith Tools (Scott, 1996) to find the citations in each article, so that students can be asked to compare
citational practice across comparable texts in a narrow focus disciplinary context.
In Star Names and Their Meanings, Richard Hinckley Allen, without
citational support, branded Chiron the inventor of the constellations.
I wish to talk about feminist figures of Jesus Christ in terms of "citation," and "
citational chains," because the theory undergirding these terms allows me to talk about the promise and danger of figures of Jesus that I would not have seen without that theory.
395), Jeffreys, who herself is a sworn enemy of post-structuralist feminist theory, ironically critiques the innocence of their reading practices, the absent/presences in their
citational practices, and their valorization of "authenticity" in lesbian culture, just as a feminist poststructuralist might!
Equally, when Martens asserts that for Musil to use the term 'ein fremder Korper' to describe a memory in 'The Temptation of Quiet Veronica' is to use 'Freud's exact terminology', when Freud/Breuer actually describe the traumatic memory as 'Fremdkorper', is arguably to underestimate the sorts of telling sleight and slippage which operate in the
citational relations between Freud and literature.