It is not known how much he will be paid, but the PM once described his own PS250,000 second salary for writing a newspaper column as "
chickenfeed" so he should be OK.
It's worth remembering Mr Johnson once described the PS250,000-a-year paid him by 'The Daily Telegraph' as '
JOURNAL contributor Peter Smith does expose his naivety when he argues the case that the recent, as he puts, "Brexit Bribe" of PS15m per year we might receive from the Government over a seven-year period to finance local projects is
chickenfeed compared to the PS62m per year we receive from that magnificent benefactor of EU Funding (Journal Letters, March 7).
MI6 also supplied Gordievsky with some intelligence tidbits of limited value, which they called "
chickenfeed," to pass along to his Moscow superiors and thereby prove his value at developing a network of secret agents.
"The amount we get from Government to repair our roads is
chickenfeed compared to the amount we need to spend, which is why we're being forced to use receipts from the sale of our assets to fix potholes.
"Since I don't lack money, only titles - three are historically insufficient - I might be willing to play for
chickenfeed, the NBA minimum salary of about three million bucks.
That stuff was
chickenfeed. The age of the supertout is upon us, with some massive tours thought to be losing 50 per cent of tickets to the scalpers as they sell out in minutes.
It's humbling to be in such august company, especially when it's only February.4" I'm pleased to be in the same issue with Dean Roger Abrams [Geier note: Dean of Nova, former Jensen colleague at CWRU, and contributor of another article to the humor symposium], who rules the Nova roost (and pays his faculty
chickenfeed, I'm told).
He said: "[We] are talking
chickenfeed here relative to the gains to the Treasury of not being in the EU."
He disappeared, along with the
chickenfeed he had with him."
Then this morning I got out the
chickenfeed to toss to the chickens.
However, around 90 per cent of his sales, in terms of the number of items, were on Flipkart and Snapdeal, the two big e-commerce rivals which, fattened with funding, have unleashed high-decibel advertising campaigns.The others - Naaptol, ShopClues, HomeShop18, Limeroad and Indiatimes - where, too, Nagpal peddles his wares, brought in little more than
chickenfeed."Large e-commerce sites generate more traffic and therefore we tend to focus more on them," says Nagpal.