card punch

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Related to card punch: loyalty punch card

card punch

1. (Computer Science) a device, no longer widely used, controlled by a computer, for transferring information from the central processing unit onto punched cards. Compare card reader
2. (Computer Science) another name for key punch
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References in periodicals archive ?
Caption: The Hollerith tabulator and sorting box applied card punch technology to business.
continuous forms control tape, start, halt, end of file codes, on-line card punch. 17 mins LESSON 8 punch paper tape, off-line paper tape punch, paper tape recorders, keys, on-line ppt reader, ppt punch.
In the years when card punches were used for a lot more than electing the President of the United States a Mr Chadless invented the 'Chadless Card Punch'.
ImageFinder interprets aperture card punch coding while locating images.
The card punch was initially a pantograph punch with a swinging arm and a perforated metal plate to guide the pin into predetermined positions; later this version was replaced by a key-operated device.
Furthermore, the CPA200 instrument provides lower-throughput laboratories with a semi-automated card punch tool that operates with off-the-shelf and custom sample cards or other paper-based collection devices.
Participants who get their card punched (with purchase) at all six bars during the four-hour event can be entered to win a Rosemont grand prize.
Flexible rewards are a busy traveler's best friend, and the BankAmericard Travel RewardsAaAaAeAe[R] credit card punches far above its weight.