Truth to say, from the moment he crossed this new steed, it was no longer D'Artagnan who was travelling, -- it was a good man clothed in an iron-gray justaucorps, brown haut-de-chausses, holding the medium between a priest and a layman; that which brought him nearest to the churchman was, that D'Artagnan had placed on his head a calotte of threadbare velvet, and over the calotte, a large black hat; no more sword, a stick, hung by a cord to his wrist, but to which, he promised himself, as an unexpected auxiliary, to join, upon occasion, a good dagger, ten inches long, concealed under his cloak.
So, instead of D'Artagnan, I will be Agnan, short; that is a concession which I naturally owe to my gray coat, my round hat, and my rusty calotte."
Aramis, in a black gown, his head enveloped in a sort of round flat cap, not much unlike a
CALOTTE, was seated before an oblong table, covered with rolls of paper and enormous volumes in folio.
Hermann put the palms of her plump hands together; I smiled and bowed with a heavy heart: the niece got up from her sewing to bring Hermann's slippers and his embroidered
calotte, which he assumed pon tifically, talking (about me) all the time.
Known as a
calotte dome, it has a tilted moving structure and a large circular opening.
AYDA FIELD, 39 THE X Factor judge wore a Philip Treacy couture
calotte with buntal swirls trim, veiling and crystals.
Most notable was the North
Calotte Region, which existed in two forms; one official body that promoted northern Scandinavian economic growth and transborder cooperation, and one unofficial forum that included representatives from the Soviet North and attempted to foster cultural cooperation as well as a Nordic nuclear-free zone.
Period of research and characterization socio-spatial by location RS PORTO ALEGRE RJ ZONA RJ BOTAFOGO SUL -RIO DE JANEIRO Period of 3 months 12 months 4 months research Ditricts Centro,
Calotte Flamingo Botafogo visited Independencia, Bom Fim, Farroupilha Social profile Middle-class Intense tourism Intense tourism of districts area; {domestic and {domestic and visited residential international); international); areas; big abundant trade; abundant trade; influx of clinics of all clinics of all people during musical kinds, the week events).
For example, she refers to the cold circumpolar vortex as the "polar
calotte" or cap, cold air pressing southward as a "spreading cold tongue," nascent waves on the polar front as spiral-formed "breakers," and the three vertical cells of the general circulation as "running like cogged wheels." Following Bergeron, she called the cyclone stage, when the cold front just overtakes the warm sector, a "seclusia" and the final stage, when the warm front is completely overtaken by the cold, an "occlusia." Summertime showery weather was referred to as "amoeba" cyclones.
This work has been supported in part by the European Union Interreg IV A Nord program, Lapin Liitto and the North
Calotte Council.