

(kaɪ; French kɑj)
(in cookery) a quail
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Director Pierre Caille said visitors are allowed to touch the animals, but condemned the behaviour, according to the Independent.
According to the zoo director Pierre Caille, the visitors used their nails to scratch their names into a layer of dust, sand and dead skin on the animal's back.
The brainchild of MD Raphael Caille, he hopes it will not only future-proof classic Minis, but the engineering company he owns as well.
Caille, who showed her how to bring her stories to life, which ultimately led to Maybury becoming a published author.
She fears that Summer, who does love Kyle, is headed for heartbreak because Kyle only married her to guarantee that Lola (Sasha Caille) would get the liver transplant she needed.
The car was the brainchild of Swindon Powertrain's managing director Raphael Caille, who says: "The classic Mini has such a special place in people's hearts, not only in the UK but around the world.
Contudo, por mais que a teoria da dadiva tenha sido amplamente revisitada mais recentemente por Douglas (1990), Godbout (1992; 1998), Caille (1998; 2001; 2002), Godelier (2001), Martins (2002), Freitas (2002), Lanna (1995), Sabourin (2008; 2011), Damo (2008), entre outros autores, pouca atencao tem sido dada a contribuicao fundamental de Bourdieu a este debate, bem como a centralidade deste paradigma na formulacao de seu pensamento teorico.
Lenco) of the short text of one of the most well-known French sociologists these days, Alain Caille (Universite de Paris, France), editor of the Revue du MAUSS.
Pour rompre leur jeune, les Mauritaniens font egalement dans la simplicite: lait caille et melange a de l'eau et du sucre, dattes, de la bouillie de cereales et du jus d'oseille.
Next was the work by Marcel Mauss, Jacques Godbout, Alain Caille and other authors of the M.A.U.S.S.--Mouvement Anti-Utilitariste dans les Sciences Sociales, revealing its importance now.
En effet, selon l'avenant portant modification des limites, les services du Haut-Commissariat aux Eaux et Forets et a la Lutte Contre la Desertification viennent de proclamer un organisateur de la chasse touristique a la tourterelle et a la caille, fort connu dans ces milieux, amodiataire du droit de chasse du gibier migrateur sur le lot situe dans la province de Taroudant d'une superficie de 15 118 hectares.
Australian chef Tom Walton, Xavier Caille, who is the world's oyster shucking champion, Prin Pulsok and two Michelin starred chef Claudio Sadler will be in attendance.