bud sport

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bud sport

(Botany) horticulture a shoot, inflorescence, etc, that differs from another such structure on a plant and is caused by a somatic mutation; the differences can be retained by vegetative propagation
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References in periodicals archive ?
Eliminate the inconvenience with these bud sport headphones, which fit snugly into the ear and don't budge.
Wrap it up along with some cool dark sunglasses, have your bud sport the shades, and ask for her autograph...because she's a star!
RED BUD: The Lions Club will host the 34th annual River Road Cruisers Car Show July 4 at the Red Bud Sports Complex, 146 Powell Road.
Your Boy Magnet net bud sports a calm exterior around boys, and they like her for it.
Bud Sports Productions, a division of AnheuserBusch, Inc., produced the highlights programs for A&E.
Sources close to Bud Sports advised SJR that KTRS has been told to designate a network of stations for St.