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bridge 1

1. A structure spanning and providing passage over a gap or barrier, such as a river or roadway.
2. Something resembling or analogous to this structure in form or function: a land bridge between the continents; a bridge of understanding between two countries.
a. The upper bony ridge of the human nose.
b. The part of a pair of eyeglasses that rests against this ridge.
4. A fixed or removable replacement for one or several but not all of the natural teeth, usually anchored at each end to a natural tooth.
5. Music
a. A thin, upright piece of wood in some stringed instruments that supports the strings above the soundboard.
b. A transitional passage connecting two subjects or movements.
6. Nautical A crosswise platform or enclosed area above the main deck of a ship from which the ship is controlled.
7. Games
a. A long stick with a notched plate at one end, used to steady the cue in billiards. Also called rest1.
b. The hand used as a support to steady the cue.
8. Electricity
a. Any of various instruments for measuring or comparing the characteristics, such as impedance or inductance, of a conductor.
b. An electrical shunt.
9. Chemistry An intramolecular connection that spans atoms or groups of atoms.
tr.v. bridged, bridg·ing, bridg·es
1. To build a bridge over.
2. To cross by or as if by a bridge.

[Middle English brigge, from Old English brycg; see bhrū- in Indo-European roots.]

bridge′a·ble adj.

bridge 2

Any of several card games derived from whist, usually played by four people in two partnerships, in which trump is determined by bidding and the hand opposite the declarer is played as a dummy.

[From earlier biritch (influenced by bridge), from Russian birich, a call, from Old Russian birichĭ.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Building) one or more timber struts fixed between floor or roof joists to stiffen the construction and distribute the loads
2. (Mountaineering) mountaineering a technique for climbing a wide chimney by pressing left hand and foot against one side of it and right hand and foot against the other side
3. (Rugby) rugby union an illegal move in which a player leans down and forward onto the body of a prone player in a ruck, thereby preventing opposing players from winning the ball by fair rucking
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
Bridging the World, an exhibition of some of Cleveland Bridge and Dorman Long's most famous bridges, drawing upon photographs and historic documents from Teesside Archives' British Steel and Cleveland Bridge Collections, is currently open at the Transporter Bridge Visitor Centre.
The primary panel bridging systems used throughout Afghanistan by International Security Assistance Forces cater to a wide variety of military and civilian vehicles, including those with low ground clearance.
Even as native Fibre Channel tape drives gain popularity, it is likely that library manufacturers will continue to offer products that include bridging options with SCSI drives.
Among the misfortunes that can strike a baling operation is the phenomenon known as bridging. While "building a bridge" is often used as a positive metaphor when it comes to relationships and planning for the future, the bridges found in balers are entirely unwelcome.
One radio can be configured to support wireless-to-wireless bridging, using the Wireless Distribution System in difficult-to-wire locations, while the second can act as a high performing, smart access point to Wi-Fi clients.
Bridging happens in everyday life according to the Akan of Ghana, " ...because one antelope will blow the dust from the other's eye so that two antelopes walk together." [5] Or, as Jesus said it, by loving your neighbor.