brewer's droop

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brewer’s droop

n (Brit hum inf) → alkoholbedingte vorübergehende Impotenz; to get brewer’s droop (Brit hum inf) → alkoholbedingt keinen hochkriegen (inf)
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in periodicals archive ?
Sexual side-effects Drinking too much over an extended period of time can turn a temporary condition like "brewer's droop" into full-blown impotence.
Reality is touched upon with the inevitable Brewer's Droop from Marston Moor Brewery while Seriously Bad Elf from StoKe at 9% at least carries its own health warning.
It lowers testosterone and sperm levels and causes a condition popularly known as brewer's droop. Naturally, the inability to achieve an erection will have a negative impact on a man's sex drive.
Alcohol is a major cause of erectile dysfunction - from the occasional case of brewer's droop to more lasting difficulty with sex.
But the most famous Hancock was Frank, one of William's 10 sons (no truth in Brewer's Droop then?).
The court heard how on the night of his death 36-year-old Mr Richards, from New Invention, Willenhall, had met Angela Gailsford at the Brewer's Droop in Willenhall to discuss their two-month relationship.
But there's certainly no such thing as brewer's droop in this pub!