box stall

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box stall

A large enclosed stall for a single animal.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

box′ stall`

a room-sized stall, usu. square, for a horse or other large animal.
[1880–85, Amer.]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Herb Blewett fell off the hayloft last Wednesday, and rolled right down through the turnip chute into the box stall, where they had a fearful wild, cross horse, and rolled right under his heels.
One of the mares was housed in a box stall with her colt.
It had stanchions and drops enough for 12 cows, a box stall and three stalls for horses on the first floor.
By nightfall, we drove them back into the barn, the cows into their stantions or chain necklaces, the horse into his special box stall.
Partnered by Kevin Darley, the American-bred filly defied the coffin box stall one and, racing up the usually neglected stands' side, ran out a two-and-a-half-length winner from Primo Heights, who also came up the stands' side.
The box stall in the middle of Dublin's elite quarter has been put up for sale for an unbelievebale pounds 5,000 per square foot.
Eventually, we figured out that when we took out all the dividers and gates, we could tie the horses on a slant and they loaded comparatively like a dream in the open box stall. This worked for our horses that knew one another, but not always for horses that were not pasture mates.
It died after being placed in a box stall at O'Flynn's stables.
We finally put her in a box stall by herself so she wasn't shoved and injured by the other cows, and Dad carried the milk bucket to the barn and milked her there.
Johnston's Diamond Drew the coffin box stall one at Wolverhampton yesterday and was well beaten.
The 32x36 foot basement gives plenty of room for eight cows and a box stall for calves and for cows to freshen in.