border break

border break

A cartographic technique used when it is required to extend a portion of the cartographic detail of a map or chart beyond the sheetlines into the margin.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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Japanese plastic model and anime figure maker Kotobukiya assembled its plastic giant 1:1 scale robot model from the PlayStation game 'Border Break.'
Similar to a master grade Gundam plastic model kit, the 1:1 'Border Break' mecha included lighting on its visor and in a few places around its armor.
New Delhi, Jan.13, ( ANI ): Army Chief General Bikram Singh on Monday said if forces from across the border break rules, the Indian Army too would not hesitate to break them.
BORDER BREAK: The bridge over the Tweed at Berwick; JEWEL IN THE CROWN: Edinburgh Castle seen from the Old Town
This month Novus will also be releasing "Border Break, a nail-biting thriller based on actual events staring Denise Williamson, George Cisnero, Cory Hart and Christian Gallegos, and "Gerald Kelly Live On Broadway" where comic Gerald Kelly, whom Russell Simmons says, “is the funniest comic in the nation,” brings big laughs from the Bronx to the big lights of Broadway in this stand-up special.
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