bone idle

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bone idle

very idle; extremely lazy
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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bone idle

adj to be bone idleessere un(a) fannullone/a
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(bəun) noun
1. the hard substance forming the skeleton of man, animals etc. Bone decays far more slowly than flesh.
2. a piece of this substance. She broke two of the bones in her foot.
to take the bones out of (fish etc).
ˈbony adjective
1. like bone. a bony substance.
2. full of bones. This fish is very bony.
3. thin. bony fingers.
bone china
china in whose manufacture the ashes of burnt bones are used.
bone idle
very lazy. He could find a job but he's bone idle.
a bone of contention
a cause of argument or quarrelling. Ownership of the boat was a bone of contention between the two men for many years.
have a bone to pick with (someone)
to have something to argue about with (a person).
to the bone
1. thoroughly and completely. I was chilled to the bone.
2. to the minimum. I've cut my expenses to the bone.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in periodicals archive ?
Raman Singh Kandola It's bone idle laziness they should be ashamed don't have a dog if you can't bag it or bin it.
What they are saying is that they want the money too, but are too bone idle to earn it for themselves, so will prevent others from having the chance to do so, through hard work.
Most obese children are too bone idle even to venture out of their parents' home, as they are happier to play with their computers, electronic games and gadgets.
I guess I'm just bone idle" - Actor Sir Anthony Hopkins.
I guess I'm just bone idle" Actor Sir Anthony Hopkins "I don't think people should bother to read Shakespeare.
"There is his attitude - but he jus Wincanton his trainer "The blin you're going use them o Nicholls (left) look seasona Ales las pb "The blinkers will help and, if you're going to use them, why not use them on the big day?" Nicholls is right - Benvolio (left) looked bone idle on his seasonal return in the Badger Ales Trophy at Wincanton last month, but he still passed the post fifth behind subsequently disqualified The Young Master.
But unlike those who camp outside stores from 4am to ensure they score exactly what they want, I'm lazy, bone idle, and perhaps a little nonchalant.
I applied for 100 in a week back in June, its easy to do when u actually want to work and are not bone idle!
Low-paid workers are constantly skint, worn out and totally dejected, whilst the bone idle dossers just laugh down their noses at us.
Teachers are not lazy, they are not bone idle, they put way more than a 40 hour week into what they do.
"Some dog owners are just bone idle and fining them might be the only way to get them to stop being so selfish.