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a variant spelling of bo2
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References in classic literature ?
"Boh! Madam Mope!" cried the voice of John Reed; then he paused: he found the room apparently empty.
Boh!' cried Miss Jenny, putting her face close to the old man's.
"Boh!" said Tom, "don't I know?--don't make me too sick with any yer stuff,--my stomach is a leetle riled now;" and Tom drank half a glass of raw brandy.
Do you think I don't know what a woeful day it was for the soft little creature when you first came in her way - smirking and making great eyes at her, I'll be bound, as if you couldn't say boh! to a goose!'
The banner, embroidered with the image of the Eight Immortals and the words Nine Emperor Gods in Chinese, was crafted in 1900 and donated to Hong Kong Street Tow Boh Keong Temple by the temple devotees.
Suite a cette acquisition, BOH fait officiellement ses premiers pas sur le marche marocain et va assurer sa presence a travers Ramada Tanger (hotel 3 etoiles qui compte 195 chambres) et Ramada Fes (hotel 5 etoiles de 133 chambres).
My plan is to soon qualify as a registered sanitarian -- the accepted licensure of BOH professionals.
Independent Bank Group paid for the acquisition of the outstanding common shares of BOH with some USD34m (EUR24.6m) in cash and 3.6m own common shares.
I suppose one can even go as far as commending BOH for its honesty in acknowledging the transfer of its burden to its Iranian customers.
Cast: Igor Samobor, Natasa Barbara Gracner, Masa Derganc, Tjasa Zeleznik, Voranc Boh, Jan Zupancic