During the life cycle, sea stars can develop either one (brachiolaria or
bipinnaria) or two types of larva (
bipinnaria plus brachiolaria) (Byrne, 2006).
This would explain why some species, such as the common Antarctic asteroid Odontaster validus, release feeding
bipinnaria larvae during the austral winter (Pearse et al.
The thermal tolerance of crown-of-thoms (Acanthaster planci) embryos and
bipinnaria larvae: implications for spatial and temporal variation in adult populations.
In the present study,
bipinnaria larvae of the sea star Luidia foliolata were surgically bisected in order to induce regeneration.
Replication by budding in natural populations of
bipinnaria larvae of the sea star genus Luidia.
While cloning in other larval echinoderms (e.g., sea star
bipinnaria and brachioiaria) often results in one small clone (i.e., budded individual) and a much larger clone (i.e., the original larva), this does not seem to be the case in D.
It has almost universally been concluded that the various types of feeding echinoderm larvae--echinoplu-teus, ophiopluteus,
bipinnaria, and auricularia--and the en-teropneust tornaria are all evolved from a planktotrophic dipleurula larva, which was the larva of the common am-bulacrarian ancestor (Byrne et al., 2007; Raff, 2008).
Observations on the
bipinnaria of the asteroid genus Luidia.
Asteroids with planktotrophic development have two larval stages: the feeding
bipinnaria and the settlement-stage brachiolaria.
(1976) distinguished between sea stars with only planktotrophic
bipinnaria larvae and those that pass through both bipinnarian and brachiolarian stages.
We introduced 100-- 200
bipinnaria (14 days old) of A.
Anterior neural centres in echinoderm
bipinnaria and auricularia larvae: cell types and organization.