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, Saint. Author of the second Gospel in the New Testament and disciple of Saint Peter.
Mark 1
See Table at Bible.
Mark 2
In Arthurian legend, a king of Cornwall who was the husband of Iseult and the uncle of her lover Tristan.
mark 1
1. A visible trace or impression, such as a line or spot: a spill that left a mark on the rug; a mark next to each purchased item on the list.
2. A symbol, name, or other identifier, especially:
a. A name, logo, or other indicator used to indicate ownership, origin, or level of quality.
b. A notch made in an animal's ear or hide to indicate ownership.
c. A sign, such as a cross, made in lieu of a signature.
3. A written or printed symbol used for punctuation; a punctuation mark.
a. A number, letter, or symbol used to indicate various grades of academic achievement: got a mark of 95 instead of 100.
b. often marks An appraisal; a rating: earned high marks from her superiors.
5. Nautical
a. A knot or piece of material placed at various measured lengths on a sounding line to indicate the depth of the water.
b. A Plimsoll mark.
a. A distinctive trait or property: Good manners are the mark of a civilized person.
b. A recognized standard of quality: schoolwork that is not up to the mark.
c. A lasting effect: The experience had left its mark on all of us.
d. A specific model, type, or iteration, as of a product or machine, especially when part of a series. Usually used with a number: the mark IV model of this car.
a. Importance; prominence: "a fellow of no mark nor likelihood" (Shakespeare).
b. Notice; attention: a matter unworthy of mark.
8. A target: "A mounted officer would be a conspicuous mark" (Ambrose Bierce).
9. Something that one wishes to achieve; a goal.
10. An object or point that serves as a guide.
11. Slang A person who is the intended victim of a swindler; a dupe.
a. Sports The place from which racers begin and sometimes end their contest.
b. A point reached or gained: the halfway mark of the race.
c. A record: set a new mark in the long jump.
13. Sports
a. A strike or spare in bowling.
b. A stationary ball in lawn bowling; a jack.
14. A boundary between countries.
15. A tract of land in medieval England and Germany held in common by a community.
16. Computers A character or feature in a file, record, or data stream used to locate a specific point or condition.
v. marked, mark·ing, marks
a. To make a visible trace or impression on, as with a spot, line, or dent: marked the wall with a crayon.
b. To form, make, or depict by making a mark: marked a square on the board.
c. To supply with natural markings: gray fur that is marked with stripes.
a. To single out or indicate by or as if by a mark: marked the spot where the treasure was buried; a career marked for glory.
b. To distinguish or characterize: the exuberance that marks her writings; marked the occasion with celebrations.
c. To make conspicuous: a concert marking the composer's 60th birthday.
3. To set off or separate by or as if by a line or boundary: marked off the limits of our property.
4. To attach or affix identification, such as a price tag or maker's label, to.
5. To evaluate (academic work) according to a scale of letters or numbers; grade.
a. To give attention to; notice: Mark her expression of discontent. Mark my words: they are asking for trouble.
b. To take note of in writing; write down: marked the appointment on my calendar.
c. Sports & Games To record (the score) in various games.
7. Sports To guard (an opponent), as in soccer.
Phrasal Verbs: 1. To make a visible impression: This pen will mark under water.
2. To receive a visible impression: The floor marks easily.
3. Sports & Games To keep score.
4. To determine academic grades: a teacher who marks strictly.
mark down
To mark for sale at a lower price.
mark up
Idioms: 1. To deface by covering with marks.
2. To mark for sale at a higher price.
beside the mark
Beside the point; irrelevant.
mark time
1. To move the feet alternately in the rhythm of a marching step without advancing.
2. To suspend progress for the time being; wait in readiness.
3. To function in an apathetic or ineffective manner.
mark 2
1. An English and Scottish unit of currency that was equal to 13 shillings and 4 pence.
2. Any of several European units of weight that were equal to about 8 ounces (227 grams), used especially for weighing gold and silver.
3. A deutsche mark.
4. A markka.
[Middle English, from Old English marc; see merg- in Indo-European roots. Sense 3, translation of German Mark, from Middle High German marc, marke, stamped precious metal bar, half-pound of silver or gold. Sense 4, translation of Finnish markka.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
1. a visible impression, stain, etc, on a surface, such as a spot or scratch
2. a sign, symbol, or other indication that distinguishes something: an owner's mark.
3. a cross or other symbol made instead of a signature
4. a written or printed sign or symbol, as for punctuation: a question mark.
5. a letter, number, or percentage used to grade academic work
6. a thing that indicates position or directs; marker
7. a desired or recognized standard: he is not up to the mark.
8. an indication of some quality, feature, or prowess: he has the mark of an athlete.
9. quality or importance; note: a person of little mark.
10. a target or goal
11. impression or influence: he left his mark on German literature.
12. (Cookery) one of the temperature settings on a gas oven: gas mark 5.
13. (often capital) (in trade names)
a. model, brand, or type: the car is a Mark 4.
b. a variation on a particular model: a Mark 3 Cortina.
14. slang a suitable victim, esp for swindling
15. (Nautical Terms) nautical one of the intervals distinctively marked on a sounding lead. Compare deep21
16. (Bowls & Bowling) bowls another name for the jack17
17. (Rugby) rugby union an action in which a player standing inside his own 22m line catches a forward kick by an opponent and shouts "mark", entitling himself to a free kick
18. (Australian Rules Football) Australian rules football a catch of the ball from a kick of at least 10 yards, after which a free kick is taken
19. (Boxing) the mark boxing the middle of the stomach at or above the line made by the boxer's trunks
20. (Historical Terms) (in medieval England and Germany) a piece of land held in common by the free men of a community
21. an obsolete word for frontier
22. (Statistics) statistics See class mark
23. make one's mark to succeed or achieve recognition
24. (General Sporting Terms) on your mark on your marks a command given to runners in a race to prepare themselves at the starting line
25. to make or receive (a visible impression, trace, or stain) on (a surface)
26. (tr) to characterize or distinguish: his face was marked by anger.
27. (often foll by: off or out) to set boundaries or limits (on): to mark out an area for negotiation.
28. (tr) to select, designate, or doom by or as if by a mark: to mark someone as a criminal.
29. (tr) to put identifying or designating labels, stamps, etc, on, esp to indicate price: to mark the book at one pound.
30. (tr) to pay heed or attention to: mark my words.
31. to observe; notice
32. to grade or evaluate (scholastic work): she marks fairly.
33. (General Sporting Terms) sport Brit to stay close to (an opponent) to hamper his or her play
34. (General Sporting Terms) to keep (score) in some games
35. (Military) to move the feet alternately as in marching but without advancing
36. (Dancing) to move the feet alternately as in marching but without advancing
37. to act in a mechanical and routine way
38. to halt progress temporarily, while awaiting developments
(Rugby) rugby union the shout given by a player when calling for a mark
[Old English mearc mark; related to Old Norse mörk boundary land, Old High German marha boundary, Latin margō margin]
2. (Historical Terms) a former monetary unit and coin in England and Scotland worth two thirds of a pound sterling
3. (Currencies) a former monetary unit and coin in England and Scotland worth two thirds of a pound sterling
4. (Currencies) a silver coin of Germany until 1924
[Old English marc unit of weight of precious metal, perhaps from the marks on metal bars; apparently of Germanic origin and related to mark1]
1. (Bible) one of the four Evangelists. Feast day: April 25
2. (Bible) the second Gospel, traditionally ascribed to him
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
1. a visible impression on a surface, as a line, spot, scratch, dent, or stain.
2. a symbol used in writing or printing: a punctuation mark.
3. a token or indication; sign: to bow as a mark of respect.
4. a noticeable or lasting effect; imprint: The experience had left its mark on her.
5. a distinctive or characteristic trait: a mark of nobility.
6. a device or symbol serving to identify, indicate origin or ownership, etc.
7. trademark.
8. a sign, usu. a cross, made instead of a signature.
a. a symbol used in rating a student's achievement; grade.
b. Often, marks. any evaluative rating: gave him high marks for trying.
10. an object or sign serving to indicate position.
11. a point reached, as on a scale or in a process: the halfway mark.
12. a recognized or required standard of merit: work that's not up to the mark.
13. a target; goal: to miss the mark.
14. distinction; note: a man of mark.
a. an object of derision or abuse: an easy mark for bullies.
b. the victim of a swindle.
16. (cap.) (used with a numeral to designate a model of an item of manufacture, as a weapon or car.)
17. the starting line in a race.
18. any of the points marked at intervals on a sounding line to indicate depth.
19. a tract of land held in common by a medieval Germanic community.
20. Archaic. land forming a boundary.
v.t. 21. to be a distinguishing feature of: a day marked by sadness.
22. to put a mark or marks on.
23. to evaluate with an academic mark; grade: to mark exams.
24. to label with indications of price or quality: to mark merchandise.
25. to trace or form by or as if by marks: to mark out a plan of attack.
26. to designate by or as if by marks: to mark passages to be memorized.
27. to single out; destine: marked for greatness.
28. to record, as a score.
29. to make manifest: to mark approval with a nod.
30. to give heed to: Mark my words.
31. to observe: marked a change in the weather.
32. to deposit a scent mark on.
v.i. 33. to take notice; give attention; consider.
34. to make a mark or marks.
35. mark down,
a. to reduce the price of.
b. to note in writing.
36. mark up,
Idioms: a. to mar or deface with marks.
b. to mark with notations or symbols.
c. to raise the price of.
1. beside the mark, not pertinent; irrelevant.
2. make one's mark, to achieve success.
3. mark time,
a. to function in an unproductive way.
b. to move the feet alternately as if marching but without advancing.
4. overshoot or overstep the mark, to go beyond what is fitting or suitable.
5. wide of the mark, far from the target or objective.
[before 900; Middle English; Old English mearc mark, sign, borderland]
1. the basic currency of Germany, which has a fixed value relative to the euro.
2. markka.
3. a former English monetary unit equal to 13s. 4d.
4. a former European unit of weight, esp. for gold and silver, usu. equal to 8 ounces (249 grams).
[before 900; Old English marc unit of weight]
1. one of the four Evangelists: traditionally believed to be the author of the second Gospel.
2. the second Gospel.
3. King, a king of Cornwall in Arthurian legend: the husband of Iseult and uncle of Tristram.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
make1. 'mark'
A mark is a small stain or damaged area on a surface.
...grease marks.
There seems to be a dirty mark on it.
A mark is also a number or letter which indicates your score in a test or examination.
You need 120 marks out of 200 to pass.
Note that in American English, the word for this is usually points.
I got 30 points on the test out of 60.
Mark sometimes appears in the name of a vehicle or machine, followed by a number.
...his Mark II Ford Cortina.
2. 'make'
However, you do not refer to a type of product as a 'mark'. If you want to indicate which company makes a product, you use the noun make.
She couldn't tell what make of car he was driving.
See make
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
Past participle: marked
Gerund: marking
Imperative |
mark |
mark |
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
(fair catch) In Union play, the act of a player, standing with both feet on the ground within his 24-yd line, who catches the ball cleanly from an opponent’s kick and simultaneously shouts Mark!”, for which he is awarded a free kick.
Dictionary of Unfamiliar Words by Diagram Group Copyright © 2008 by Diagram Visual Information Limited
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Noun | 1. | mark - a number or letter indicating quality (especially of a student's performance); "she made good marks in algebra"; "grade A milk"; "what was your score on your homework?" rating, valuation, evaluation - an appraisal of the value of something; "he set a high valuation on friendship" grade point - a numerical value assigned to a letter grade received in a course taken at a college or university multiplied by the number of credit hours awarded for the course centile, percentile - (statistics) any of the 99 numbered points that divide an ordered set of scores into 100 parts each of which contains one-hundredth of the total decile - (statistics) any of nine points that divided a distribution of ranked scores into equal intervals where each interval contains one-tenth of the scores quartile - (statistics) any of three points that divide an ordered distribution into four parts each containing one quarter of the scores |
2. | mark - a distinguishing symbol; "the owner's mark was on all the sheep" earmark - identification mark on the ear of a domestic animal brand - identification mark on skin, made by burning symbol - an arbitrary sign (written or printed) that has acquired a conventional significance trademark - a formally registered symbol identifying the manufacturer or distributor of a product assay-mark, authentication, hallmark - a mark on an article of trade to indicate its origin and authenticity postmark - a cancellation mark stamped on mail by postal officials; indicates the post office and date of mailing watermark - a distinguishing mark impressed on paper during manufacture; visible when paper is held up to the light broad arrow - an arrowhead mark identifying British government property label - an identifying or descriptive marker that is attached to an object cairn - a mound of stones piled up as a memorial or to mark a boundary or path | |
3. | mark - a reference point to shoot at; "his arrow hit the mark" point of reference, reference point, reference - an indicator that orients you generally; "it is used as a reference for comparing the heating and the electrical energy involved" clout - a target used in archery drogue - a funnel-shaped device towed as a target by an airplane bull's eye, bull - the center of a target | |
4. | mark - a visible indication made on a surface; "some previous reader had covered the pages with dozens of marks"; "paw prints were everywhere" fingerprint - a print made by an impression of the ridges in the skin of a finger; often used for biometric identification in criminal investigations footmark, footprint, step - a mark of a foot or shoe on a surface; "the police made casts of the footprints in the soft earth outside the window" trace - a visible mark (as a footprint) left by the passage of person or animal or vehicle indicant, indication - something that serves to indicate or suggest; "an indication of foul play"; "indications of strain"; "symptoms are the prime indicants of disease" mintmark - a mark on a coin that identifies the mint where it was produced stroke - a mark made on a surface by a pen, pencil, or paintbrush; "she applied the paint in careful strokes" line - a mark that is long relative to its width; "He drew a line on the chart" line - in games or sports; a mark indicating positions or bounds of the playing area | |
5. | mark - the impression created by doing something unusual or extraordinary that people notice and remember; "it was in London that he made his mark"; "he left an indelible mark on the American theater" effect, impression - an outward appearance; "he made a good impression"; "I wanted to create an impression of success"; "she retained that bold effect in her reproductions of the original painting" | |
6. | mark - a symbol of disgrace or infamy; "And the Lord set a mark upon Cain"--Genesis demerit - a mark against a person for misconduct or failure; usually given in school or armed forces; "ten demerits and he loses his privileges" bend sinister, bar sinister - a mark of bastardy; lines from top right to bottom left cloven foot, cloven hoof - the mark of Satan symbol - an arbitrary sign (written or printed) that has acquired a conventional significance | |
7. | mark - formerly the basic unit of money in Germany German monetary unit - monetary unit in Germany pfennig - 100 pfennigs formerly equaled 1 Deutsche Mark in Germany | |
8. | Mark - Apostle and companion of Saint Peter; assumed to be the author of the second Gospel | |
9. | mark - a person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of | |
10. | mark - a written or printed symbol (as for punctuation); "his answer was just a punctuation mark" printed symbol, written symbol - a written or printed symbol broad arrow - a mark shaped like an arrowhead; used to mark convicts' clothing call mark, call number, pressmark - a mark consisting of characters written on a book; used to indicate shelf location caret - a mark used by an author or editor to indicate where something is to be inserted into a text check mark, tick, check - a mark indicating that something has been noted or completed etc.; "as he called the role he put a check mark by each student's name" diacritic, diacritical mark - a mark added to a letter to indicate a special pronunciation ditto, ditto mark - a mark used to indicate the word above it should be repeated dollar mark, dollar sign - a mark ($) written before a number to indicate that it stands for the number of dollars point, head - a V-shaped mark at one end of an arrow pointer; "the point of the arrow was due north" punctuation mark, punctuation - the marks used to clarify meaning by indicating separation of words into sentences and clauses and phrases | |
11. | mark - a perceptible indication of something not immediately apparent (as a visible clue that something has happened); "he showed signs of strain"; "they welcomed the signs of spring" token - something serving as a sign of something else | |
12. | Mark - the shortest of the four Gospels in the New Testament New Testament - the collection of books of the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, the Pauline and other epistles, and Revelation; composed soon after Christ's death; the second half of the Christian Bible | |
13. | mark - an indication of damage | |
14. | mark - a marking that consists of lines that cross each other marking - a pattern of marks | |
15. | mark - something that exactly succeeds in achieving its goal; "the new advertising campaign was a bell ringer"; "scored a bull's eye"; "hit the mark"; "the president's speech was a home run" success - an attainment that is successful; "his success in the marathon was unexpected"; "his new play was a great success" | |
Verb | 1. | mark - attach a tag or label to; "label these bottles" mark - make or leave a mark on; "the scouts marked the trail"; "ash marked the believers' foreheads" attach - cause to be attached brandmark, trademark, brand - mark with a brand or trademark; "when this product is not branded it sells for a lower price" point - mark (a psalm text) to indicate the points at which the music changes point - mark with diacritics; "point the letter" point - mark (Hebrew words) with diacritics calibrate - mark (the scale of a measuring instrument) so that it can be read in the desired units; "he calibrated the thermometer for the Celsius scale" code - attach a code to; "Code the pieces with numbers so that you can identify them later" badge - put a badge on; "The workers here must be badged" mark up - increase the price of mark down - reduce the price of |
2. | mark - designate as if by a mark; "This sign marks the border" differentiate, distinguish, mark - be a distinctive feature, attribute, or trait; sometimes in a very positive sense; "His modesty distinguishes him from his peers" bespeak, betoken, indicate, signal, point - be a signal for or a symptom of; "These symptoms indicate a serious illness"; "Her behavior points to a severe neurosis"; "The economic indicators signal that the euro is undervalued" blaze - indicate by marking trees with blazes; "blaze a trail" dimension - indicate the dimensions on; "These techniques permit us to dimension the human heart" signpost - mark with a signpost, as of a path buoy - mark with a buoy | |
3. | mark - be a distinctive feature, attribute, or trait; sometimes in a very positive sense; "His modesty distinguishes him from his peers" mark - designate as if by a mark; "This sign marks the border" characterize, characterise, qualify - describe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of; "You can characterize his behavior as that of an egotist"; "This poem can be characterized as a lament for a dead lover" characterise, characterize - be characteristic of; "What characterizes a Venetian painting?" | |
4. | mark - mark by some ceremony or observation; "The citizens mark the anniversary of the revolution with a march and a parade" | |
5. | mark - make or leave a mark on; "the scouts marked the trail"; "ash marked the believers' foreheads" alter, change, modify - cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue" dot - mark with a dot; "dot your `i's" stigmatise, stigmatize - mark with a stigma or stigmata; "They wanted to stigmatize the adulteress" raddle - mark or paint with raddle striate - mark with striae or striations ink - mark, coat, cover, or stain with ink; "he inked his finger" dimple - mark with, or as if with, dimples; "drops dimpled the smooth stream" spot - mark with a spot or spots so as to allow easy recognition; "spot the areas that one should clearly identify" crisscross - mark with a pattern of crossing lines; "crisscross the sheet of paper" flag - provide with a flag; "Flag this file so that I can recognize it immediately" tip - mark with a tip; "tip the arrow with the small stone" underline, underscore - draw a line or lines underneath to call attention to stripe - mark with stripes speck - produce specks in or on; "speck the cloth" bespot - mark with, or as if with, spots trace, describe, draw, line, delineate - make a mark or lines on a surface; "draw a line"; "trace the outline of a figure in the sand" brand - burn with a branding iron to indicate ownership; of animals | |
6. | mark - to accuse or condemn or openly or formally or brand as disgraceful; "He denounced the government action"; "She was stigmatized by society because she had a child out of wedlock" label - assign a label to; designate with a label; "These students were labelled `learning disabled'" | |
7. | mark - notice or perceive; "She noted that someone was following her"; "mark my words" take notice - observe with special attention; "Take notice of the great architecture" | |
8. | mark - mark with a scar; "The skin disease scarred his face permanently" blemish, deface, disfigure - mar or spoil the appearance of; "scars defaced her cheeks"; "The vandals disfigured the statue" pockmark - mark with or as if with pockmarks; "Her face was pockmarked by the disease" | |
9. | mark - make small marks into the surface of; "score the clay before firing it" scarify - scratch the surface of; "scarify seeds" scotch - make a small cut or score into scribe - score a line on with a pointed instrument, as in metalworking line - mark with lines; "sorrow had lined his face" notch - cut or make a notch into; "notch the rope" | |
10. | mark - establish as the highest level or best performance; "set a record" | |
11. | mark - make underscoring marks invalidate, cancel - make invalid for use; "cancel cheques or tickets" | |
12. | mark - remove from a list; "Cross the name of the dead person off the list" | |
13. | mark - put a check mark on or near or next to; "Please check each name on the list"; "tick off the items"; "mark off the units" check, check into, check out, check over, check up on, suss out, look into, go over - examine so as to determine accuracy, quality, or condition; "check the brakes"; "Check out the engine" receipt - mark or stamp as paid insure, see to it, ensure, ascertain, check, assure, control, see - be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something; "He verified that the valves were closed"; "See that the curtains are closed"; "control the quality of the product" verify - confirm the truth of; "Please verify that the doors are closed"; "verify a claim" | |
14. | mark - assign a grade or rank to, according to one's evaluation; "grade tests"; "score the SAT essays"; "mark homework" | |
15. | mark - insert punctuation marks into add - make an addition (to); join or combine or unite with others; increase the quality, quantity, size or scope of; "We added two students to that dorm room"; "She added a personal note to her letter"; "Add insult to injury"; "Add some extra plates to the dinner table" quote - put quote marks around; "Here the author is quoting his colleague" |
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
1. spot, stain, streak, smudge, line, nick, impression, scratch, bruise, scar, dent, blot, blemish, blotch, pock, splotch, smirch The dogs rub against the walls and make dirty marks.
3. grade, rating, score, grading, assessment, percentage, evaluation He did well to get such a good mark.
5. characteristic, feature, symptom, standard, quality, measure, stamp, par, attribute, criterion, norm, trait, badge, hallmark, yardstick, peculiarity The mark of a civilized society is that it looks after its weakest members.
6. indication, sign, note, evidence, symbol, proof, token Shopkeepers closed their shutters as a mark of respect.
7. brand, impression, label, stamp, print, device, flag, seal, symbol, token, earmark, emblem, insignia, signet Each book was adorned with the publisher's mark at the bottom of the spine.
1. scar, scratch, dent, imprint, nick, brand, impress, stain, bruise, streak, blot, smudge, blemish, blotch, splotch, smirch How do you stop the horses marking the turf?
4. distinguish, show, illustrate, exemplify, denote, evince, betoken the river which marks the border
5. indicate, represent, herald, denote, betoken The announcement marks the end of an extraordinary period.
6. celebrate, honour, observe, keep, remember, acknowledge, recognize, salute, commemorate, pay tribute to, memorialize, solemnize Thousands of people took to the streets to mark the occasion.
7. characterize, distinguish, identify, typify The style is marked by simplicity, clarity and candour.
8. observe, mind, note, regard, notice, attend to, pay attention to, pay heed to, hearken to (archaic) Mark my words. He won't last.
make your mark succeed, make it (informal), make good, prosper, be a success, achieve recognition, get on in the world, make something of yourself, find a place in the sun, make a success of yourself She made her mark in the film industry in the 1960s.
mark someone off distinguish, identify Her clothes marked her off from the other delegates.
mark something down make cheaper, reduce, lower the price of Clothes are the best bargain, with many items marked down.
mark something or someone out set apart, single out Her independence of spirit marked her out from her colleagues.
mark something out delineate, outline When planting seedlings, I prefer to mark out the rows in advance.
mark something up
1. increase the price of, raise the price of The warehouse marks up its goods by about 10%.
up to the mark satisfactory, acceptable, good enough, adequate, up to scratch, passable, up to standard They get rid of those whose work isn't up to the mark.
wide of the mark inaccurate, mistaken, out, wrong, wild, erroneous, off-base (U.S. & Canad. informal), off-beam (informal) That comparison isn't as wide of the mark as it seems.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
noun1. The visible effect made on a surface by pressure:
2. Something visible or evident that gives grounds for believing in the existence or presence of something else:
badge, evidence, index, indication, indicator, manifestation, note, sign, signification, stamp, symptom, token, witness.
3. A name or other device placed on merchandise to signify its ownership or manufacture:
4. A distinctive element:
5. A means by which individuals are compared and judged:
6. A position of exalted widely recognized importance:
7. The act of noting, observing, or taking into account:
2. To give a precise indication of, as on a register or scale:
3. To make a target of:
Idiom: draw a bead on.
4. To give grounds for believing in the existence or presence of:
5. To make noticeable or different:
6. To fix the limits of.Off or out:
7. To set off by or as if by a mark indicating ownership or manufacture:
mark down
To become or make less in price or value:
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
blettureinkunnfara yfir, gefa einkunnmarkMarkús
채점하다표시표시를 하다흠집
aptraipītapzīmēt, iezīmētatzīmeatzīmētiezīme
markapoznačiť sizašpiniť sa
cho điểmđánh dấudấu
[mɑːk] N → MarcosMark Antony → Marco Antonio
1 [mɑːk] N (= currency) → marco mmark
2 [mɑːk]A. N
1. (= stain, spot etc) → mancha f
the marks of violence → las señales de violencia
he left the ring without a mark on his body → salió del cuadrilátero sin llevar señal alguna en el cuerpo
the marks of violence → las señales de violencia
he left the ring without a mark on his body → salió del cuadrilátero sin llevar señal alguna en el cuerpo
2. (= written symbol on paper etc) → señal f, marca f; (instead of signature) → signo m, cruz f (fig) (= imprint, trace) → huella f
to make one's mark (lit) → firmar con una cruz (fig) → dejar huella, distinguirse
to make/leave one's mark on sth → dejar huella en algo
he has certainly made his mark on British politics → no cabe duda de que ha dejado huella en la política británica
to make one's mark (lit) → firmar con una cruz (fig) → dejar huella, distinguirse
to make/leave one's mark on sth → dejar huella en algo
he has certainly made his mark on British politics → no cabe duda de que ha dejado huella en la política británica
3. (= indication) → señal f; (= proof) → prueba f
as a mark of my disapproval → en señal de mi desaprobación
as a mark of our gratitude → en señal de nuestro agradecimiento
it's the mark of a gentleman → es señal de un caballero
it bears the mark of genius → lleva la marca de un genio
as a mark of my disapproval → en señal de mi desaprobación
as a mark of our gratitude → en señal de nuestro agradecimiento
it's the mark of a gentleman → es señal de un caballero
it bears the mark of genius → lleva la marca de un genio
4. (in exam) → nota f, calificación f
52 marks → 52 puntos, 52 por cien
to get high marks in French → sacar buena nota en francés
to get no marks at all as a cook (fig) → ser un desastre como cocinero
there are no marks for guessing (fig) → las simples conjeturas no merecen punto alguno
see also full D
see also top 1 B4
52 marks → 52 puntos, 52 por cien
to get high marks in French → sacar buena nota en francés
to get no marks at all as a cook (fig) → ser un desastre como cocinero
there are no marks for guessing (fig) → las simples conjeturas no merecen punto alguno
see also full D
see also top 1 B4
5. (= target) → blanco m
to hit the mark (lit) → alcanzar el objetivo, acertar (fig) → dar en el clavo
to be wide of the mark (lit) → errar el tiro (fig) → estar lejos de la verdad
he's way off the mark → no acierta ni con mucho
he's on the mark → ha dado en el blanco, está en lo cierto
to hit the mark (lit) → alcanzar el objetivo, acertar (fig) → dar en el clavo
to be wide of the mark (lit) → errar el tiro (fig) → estar lejos de la verdad
he's way off the mark → no acierta ni con mucho
he's on the mark → ha dado en el blanco, está en lo cierto
6. (Sport) (= line) → raya f
to be quick/slow off the mark → ser rápido/lente al salir (fig) → ser muy vivo/parado
on your marks, get set, go! → ¡preparados, listos, ya!
to be quick/slow off the mark → ser rápido/lente al salir (fig) → ser muy vivo/parado
on your marks, get set, go! → ¡preparados, listos, ya!
7. (= level, standard) to hit the £1000 mark → alcanzar el total de 1000 libras
gas mark 1 (Culin) → número 1 del gas
to be up to the mark [person] → estar a la altura de las circunstancias; [work] → alcanzar el nivel necesario
to come up to the mark → alcanzar el nivel que era de esperar
see also overstep
gas mark 1 (Culin) → número 1 del gas
to be up to the mark [person] → estar a la altura de las circunstancias; [work] → alcanzar el nivel necesario
to come up to the mark → alcanzar el nivel que era de esperar
see also overstep
8. (= model) a Spitfire Mark 1 → un Spitfire (de) primera serie
9. (Comm) (= label) → marca f
10. (= distinction) of mark → de categoría, de cierta distinción
3. [+ bird, animal] a bird marked with red → un pájaro manchado de rojo, un pájaro con manchas rojas
4. (= label) → rotular; (= price) → indicar el precio de
this exhibit is not marked → este objeto no lleva rótulo
the chair is marked at £12 → la silla tiene un precio de 12 libras
this exhibit is not marked → este objeto no lleva rótulo
the chair is marked at £12 → la silla tiene un precio de 12 libras
5. (= indicate) → señalar, indicar; (= characterize) → señalar, distinguir; [+ anniversary etc] → señalar, celebrar; [+ birthday] → festejar
stones mark the path → unas piedras señalan el camino
this marks the frontier → esto marca la frontera
it marks a change of policy → indica un cambio de política
this marks him as a future star → esto le señala como un as futuro
it's not marked on the map → no está indicado en el mapa
we must do something special to mark the occasion → tenemos que hacer algo especial para celebrarlo
stones mark the path → unas piedras señalan el camino
this marks the frontier → esto marca la frontera
it marks a change of policy → indica un cambio de política
this marks him as a future star → esto le señala como un as futuro
it's not marked on the map → no está indicado en el mapa
we must do something special to mark the occasion → tenemos que hacer algo especial para celebrarlo
6. (= note down) → apuntar; (= notice) → advertir, observar; (= heed) → prestar atención a
did you mark where it fell? (frm) → ¿has notado dónde cayó?
mark what I say → escucha lo que te digo
mark my words! → ¡fíjese or acuérdese bien de lo que le digo!, ¡te lo advierto!
mark you → ahora (bien)
did you mark where it fell? (frm) → ¿has notado dónde cayó?
mark what I say → escucha lo que te digo
mark my words! → ¡fíjese or acuérdese bien de lo que le digo!, ¡te lo advierto!
mark you → ahora (bien)
C. VI → mancharse
D. CPD mark reader, mark scanner N → lector m de marcas
mark reading, mark scanning N → lectura f de marcas
mark reading, mark scanning N → lectura f de marcas
mark down VT + ADV
2. (Comm) [+ prices, goods] → rebajar
3. [+ student] → bajar la nota a
you'll be marked down for poor handwriting → te van a bajar la nota por mala caligrafía
you'll be marked down for poor handwriting → te van a bajar la nota por mala caligrafía
4. (= identify) he was immediately marked down as a troublemaker → enseguida fue identificado como un alborotador
I had him marked down as a friend of hers → pensé que era un amigo suyo, lo tomé por un amigo suyo
I had him marked down as a friend of hers → pensé que era un amigo suyo, lo tomé por un amigo suyo
mark off VT + ADV
2. (= distinguish) → distinguir, diferenciar
her clothes marked her off from the rest of the delegates → su atuendo la distinguía or diferenciaba del resto de los delegados
her clothes marked her off from the rest of the delegates → su atuendo la distinguía or diferenciaba del resto de los delegados
mark out VT + ADV
1. [+ road etc] → marcar, jalonar
the track is marked out by flags → el camino está marcado con or jalonado de banderas
the track is marked out by flags → el camino está marcado con or jalonado de banderas
2. (= single out) → señalar; (= distinguish) → distinguir, señalar
he's marked out for promotion → se le ha señalado para un ascenso
his red hair marked him out from the others → como era pelirrojo se le distinguía claramente de los demás
he's marked out for promotion → se le ha señalado para un ascenso
his red hair marked him out from the others → como era pelirrojo se le distinguía claramente de los demás
mark up VT + ADV
1. (= write up) (on board, paper etc) → apuntar
3. [+ student] → subir la nota a
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
[ˈmɑːrk] n
(gen) → marque f
to leave a mark, to leave its mark (= have an effect) → laisser des traces
to make one's mark (= to have an impact) → marquer son empreinte
to leave a mark, to leave its mark (= have an effect) → laisser des traces
to make one's mark (= to have an impact) → marquer son empreinte
[skid] → trace f
(= distinguishing feature) → signe m distinctif
(SPORT) "on your marks" (British) "on your mark" (US) → à vos marques
to be quick off the mark (fig) → avoir l'esprit vif
to be quick off the mark in doing sth → ne pas perdre de temps pour faire qch
to be slow off the mark (fig) → être lent(e)
to be quick off the mark (fig) → avoir l'esprit vif
to be quick off the mark in doing sth → ne pas perdre de temps pour faire qch
to be slow off the mark (fig) → être lent(e)
to be up to the mark (= up to the required standard) [person] → être à la hauteur, être au niveau; [work, performance] → être au niveau
to be wide of the mark [claim, estimate] → être loin de la vérité
to be wide of the mark [claim, estimate] → être loin de la vérité
(with number, level) the ... mark → la barre de ...
Unemployment is rapidly approaching the one million mark → Le chômage se rapproche rapidement de la barre du million.
Unemployment is rapidly approaching the one million mark → Le chômage se rapproche rapidement de la barre du million.
(= currency) → mark m
[+ position, border, start, end] → marquer
(= label) → classer
(= characterize) [+ person, writing] → marquer
His writing has always been marked by a sense of hope
BUT Ses écrits ont toujours été empreints d'un sentiment d'espoir. → Ses écrits ont toujours été marqués par un sentiment d'espoir.
His writing has always been marked by a sense of hope
BUT Ses écrits ont toujours été empreints d'un sentiment d'espoir. → Ses écrits ont toujours été marqués par un sentiment d'espoir.
(SPORT) [+ player] → marquer
(= stain) → tacher
(British) [+ essay, homework] → corriger, noter
The teacher hasn't marked my homework yet → Le professeur n'a pas encore corrigé mon devoir.
The teacher hasn't marked my homework yet → Le professeur n'a pas encore corrigé mon devoir.
to mark time → marquer le pas
vi [wood] → se marquer; [fabric] → se tacher, se salir
mark down
vt sep [+ prices, goods] → démarquer, réduire le prix de
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
1n (Hist Fin) → Mark f
(= stain, spot etc) → Fleck m; (= scratch) → Kratzer m, → Schramme f; to make a mark on something → einen Fleck/Kratzer auf etw (acc) → machen; dirty marks → Schmutzflecken pl; with not a mark on it → in makellosem Zustand; will the operation leave a mark? → wird die Operation Spuren or Narben hinterlassen?; the marks of violence → die Spuren der Gewalt; he left the ring without a mark on him/his body → er verließ den Ring, ohne auch nur eine Schramme abbekommen zu haben; the corpse didn’t have a mark on it → die Leiche wies keine Verletzungen auf
(= marking) (on animal) → Fleck m; (on person) → Mal nt; (on plane, football pitch etc) → Markierung f; (= sign: on monument etc) → Zeichen nt
(in exam) → Note f; high or good marks → gute Noten pl; the marks are out of 100 → insgesamt kann man 100 Punkte erreichen; you get no marks at all for your cooking (fig) → in puncto Kochen bist du ja nicht gerade eine Eins (inf); there are no marks for guessing (fig) → das ist ja wohl nicht schwer zu erraten; he gets full marks for punctuality (fig) → in Pünktlichkeit verdient er eine Eins
(= sign, indication) → Zeichen nt; he had the marks of old age → er war vom Alter gezeichnet; it bears the marks of genius → das trägt geniale Züge; it’s the mark of a gentleman → daran erkennt man den Gentleman
(= level) expenses have reached the £100 mark → die Ausgaben haben die 100-Pfund-Grenze erreicht; the temperature reached the 35° mark → die Temperatur stieg bis auf 35° an
Cooper Mark II → Cooper, II; the new secretary, a sort of Miss Jones mark 2 → die neue Sekretärin, eine zweite Ausführung von Fräulein Jones
(phrases) to be quick off the mark (Sport) → einen guten Start haben; (fig) → blitzschnell handeln or reagieren; you were quick off the mark (fig) → du warst aber fix!; he was quickest off the mark → er war der Schnellste; to be slow off the mark (Sport) → einen schlechten Start haben; (fig) → nicht schnell genug schalten or reagieren; (as characteristic) → eine lange Leitung haben (inf); to be up to the mark → den Anforderungen entsprechen; his work is not up to the mark → seine Arbeit ist unter dem Strich; I’m not feeling quite up to the mark → ich bin or fühle mich nicht ganz auf dem Posten; to leave one’s mark (on something) → seine Spuren (→ an etw dat) → hinterlassen; to make one’s mark → sich (dat) → einen Namen machen; on your marks! → auf die Plätze!; to be wide of the mark (shooting) → danebentreffen, danebenschießen; (fig: in guessing, calculating) → danebentippen, sich verhauen (inf); your calculations were wide of the mark → mit deiner Kalkulation hast du dich ganz schön verhauen (inf); to hit the mark (lit, fig) → ins Schwarze treffen
(Rugby) → Freifang m; “mark!” → „Marke!“
(adversely) → beschädigen; (= stain) → schmutzig machen, Flecken machen auf (+acc); (= scratch) → zerkratzen; the other boxer was not marked at all → der andere Boxer hatte nicht eine Schramme abbekommen or überhaupt nichts abbekommen; her face was marked for life → sie hat bleibende Narben im Gesicht zurückbehalten; the experience marked him for life → das Erlebnis hat ihn für sein Leben gezeichnet
(for recognition, identity) → markieren, bezeichnen; (= label) → beschriften; (= price) → auszeichnen; playing cards → zinken; marked with the name and age of the exhibitor → mit Namen und Alter des Ausstellers versehen; the bottle was marked “poison” → die Flasche trug die Aufschrift „Gift“; the chair is marked at £2 → der Stuhl ist mit £ 2 ausgezeichnet; the picture isn’t marked → das Bild ist ohne Angaben; the cage isn’t marked → der Käfig hat keine Aufschrift; mark where you have stopped in your reading → mach dir ein Zeichen, bis wohin du gelesen hast; to mark something with an asterisk → etw mit einem Sternchen versehen; X marks the spot → X markiert or bezeichnet die Stelle; the teacher marked him absent → der Lehrer trug ihn als fehlend ein; it’s not marked on the map → es ist nicht auf der Karte eingezeichnet; it’s marked with a blue dot → es ist mit einem blauen Punkt gekennzeichnet; he marked his own books with a secret sign → er kennzeichnete seine eigenen Bücher mit einem Geheimzeichen
(= characterize) → kennzeichnen; a decade marked by violence → ein Jahrzehnt, das im Zeichen der Gewalt stand; the new bill marks a change of policy → das neue Gesetz deutet auf einen politischen Kurswechsel hin; it marked the end of an era → damit ging eine Ära zu Ende; it marks him as a future star → daran zeigt sich, dass er eine große Karriere vor sich (dat) → hat; a month marked by inactivity → ein Monat, der sich durch Untätigkeit auszeichnete
(usu pass) → zeichnen; marked with grief → von Schmerz gezeichnet; a beautifully marked bird → ein schön gezeichneter Vogel
exam, paper → korrigieren (und benoten); to mark a paper A → eine Arbeit mit (einer) Eins benoten; to mark a candidate → einem Kandidaten eine Note geben; the candidate was marked … → der Kandidate erhielt die Note …; we marked him A → wir haben ihm eine Eins gegeben; to mark something wrong → etw anstreichen
(= heed) → hören auf (+acc); mark my words → eins kann ich dir sagen; (threatening, warning also) → lassen Sie sich das gesagt sein!; mark you, he may have been right → er könnte gar nicht so unrecht gehabt haben; mark you, I didn’t believe him → ich habe ihm natürlich nicht geglaubt
(old, = notice) → bemerken; did you mark where it fell? → hast du dir gemerkt, wo es hingefallen ist?
(Sport) player, opponent → decken
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
1 [mɑːk]1. n
a. (gen) → segno; (stain) → macchia; (of shoes, fingers, in mud) → impronta; (of skid) → traccia
to leave a mark on sth → lasciare un segno su qc
to leave one's mark on sth (fig) → lasciare un segno in qc
there wasn't a mark on him or on his body → non aveva nemmeno un graffio
it's the mark of a gentleman → è da gentiluomo
it bears the mark of genius → ha l'impronta del genio
to make one's mark (as) (fig) → farsi un nome (come)
as a mark of my gratitude → come segno della mia gratitudine
punctuation marks → segni di punteggiatura
to leave a mark on sth → lasciare un segno su qc
to leave one's mark on sth (fig) → lasciare un segno in qc
there wasn't a mark on him or on his body → non aveva nemmeno un graffio
it's the mark of a gentleman → è da gentiluomo
it bears the mark of genius → ha l'impronta del genio
to make one's mark (as) (fig) → farsi un nome (come)
as a mark of my gratitude → come segno della mia gratitudine
punctuation marks → segni di punteggiatura
c. (Brit) (Scol) → voto
good/bad mark → buon or bel/brutto voto
he failed by 2 marks → l'hanno bocciato per 2 punti
full marks for trying! → un bravo per aver tentato!
there are no marks for guessing where I've been! → non ci vuole un genio per sapere dove sono stato!
good/bad mark → buon or bel/brutto voto
he failed by 2 marks → l'hanno bocciato per 2 punti
full marks for trying! → un bravo per aver tentato!
there are no marks for guessing where I've been! → non ci vuole un genio per sapere dove sono stato!
d. (Brit) (Tech) Mark 1/2 → prima/seconda serie f
e. (Sport) (target) → bersaglio
to hit the mark → far centro (fig) → azzeccare in pieno
to be wide of the mark → essere lontano/a dal bersaglio (fig) → essere lontano/a dal vero
to hit the mark → far centro (fig) → azzeccare in pieno
to be wide of the mark → essere lontano/a dal bersaglio (fig) → essere lontano/a dal vero
f. (Sport) (starting line) → linea di partenza
on your marks! get set! go! → ai vostri posti! pronti! (attenti!) via!
to be quick off the mark (in doing sth) (fig) → non perdere tempo (per fare qc)
up to the mark (in health) → in forma (in efficiency) → all'altezza
on your marks! get set! go! → ai vostri posti! pronti! (attenti!) via!
to be quick off the mark (in doing sth) (fig) → non perdere tempo (per fare qc)
up to the mark (in health) → in forma (in efficiency) → all'altezza
2. vt
b. (indicate, score) → segnare; (price) → mettere; (place) → indicare, segnare; (change, improvement) → indicare
this marks the frontier → questo segna la frontiera
the qualities which mark a good swimmer → le qualità che contraddistinguono un buon nuotatore
this marks the frontier → questo segna la frontiera
the qualities which mark a good swimmer → le qualità che contraddistinguono un buon nuotatore
c. (heed) mark my words → fa' attenzione a quello che ti dico
d. (Brit) (Scol) (correct) → correggere; (exam) → dare un voto a
to mark sth wrong → segnare qc come errore
to mark sth wrong → segnare qc come errore
e. (Sport) (player) → marcare
f. to mark time (Mil) (fig) → segnare il passo
3. vi → macchiarsi
mark down vt + adv
b. (note down) → prendere nota di
mark off vt + adv
b. (tick off) → spuntare, cancellare
mark out vt + adv
a. (zone, road) → delimitare
b. (single out, for promotion) → designare; (characterize) → distinguere
mark up vt + adv
a. (write up) → segnare
2 [mɑːk] n (currency) → marcoCollins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
(maːk) noun1. (also Deutsche Mark, ~Deutschmark (ˈdoitʃmaːk) ) the standard unit of German currency before the euro.
2. a point given as a reward for good work etc. She got good marks in the exam.
3. a stain. That spilt coffee has left a mark on the carpet.
4. a sign used as a guide to position etc. There's a mark on the map showing where the church is.
5. a cross or other sign used instead of a signature. He couldn't sign his name, so he made his mark instead.
6. an indication or sign of a particular thing. a mark of respect.
verb1. to put a mark or stain on, or to become marked or stained. Every pupil's coat must be marked with his name; That coffee has marked the tablecloth; This white material marks easily.
2. to give marks to (a piece of work). I have forty exam-papers to mark tonight.
3. to show; to be a sign of. X marks the spot where the treasure is buried.
4. to note. Mark it down in your notebook.
5. (in football etc) to keep close to (an opponent) so as to prevent his getting the ball. Your job is to mark the centre-forward.
marked adjective obvious or easily noticeable. There has been a marked improvement in her work.
ˈmarkedly (-kid-) adverb noticeably. It's markedly easier to do it by this method.
ˈmarker noun1. a person who marks eg the score at games.
2. something used for marking, eg in scoring, showing the position of something etc. The area is indicated by large green markers.
3. a type of pen, usually with a thick point.
ˈmarksman (ˈmaːks-) – plural ˈmarksmen – noun a person who shoots well. The police marksman did not kill the criminal – he wounded him in the leg to prevent him escaping.
ˈmarksmanship noun a person's skill as a marksman.
leave/make one's mark to make a permanent or strong impression. The horrors of the war have left their mark on the children.
mark out1. to mark the boundary of (eg a football pitch) by making lines etc. The pitch was marked out with white lines.
2. to select or choose for some particular purpose etc in the future. He had been marked out for an army career from early childhood.
mark time to move the feet up and down as if marching, but without going forward. He's only marking time in this job till he gets a better one.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
→ بُقْعَة, بُقْعَةٌ, يُقَدِرُ الْدَرَجَاتِ, يُوَّسِمُ označit, skvrna, znak, známkovat bedømme, mærke, markere, tegn benoten, Fleck, Markeirung, markieren βαθμολογώ, σημαδεύω, σημάδι calificar, corregir, marca, marcar arvostella, jälki, merkintä, merkitä marque, marquer, noter, trace mrlja, ocijeniti, označiti, znak dare il voto, macchia, segnare, segno 印, 採点する, 汚れの跡, 汚れの跡をつける 채점하다, 표시, 표시를 하다, 흠집 cijfer geven, markeren, teken, vlek evaluere, markering, merke, stemple ocenić, plama, zaznaczyć, znak dar nota, marca, marcar делать отметку, отметка, пятно, ставить отметку betygsätta, märke, markera เครื่องหมาย, การให้คะแนน, คะแนน, ทำเครื่องหมาย işaret, işaretlemek, not vermek, yapmak cho điểm, đánh dấu, dấu 作记号, 打分数, 污点, 记号Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009
n. marca, seña, señal, signo;
v. marcar; señalar.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
n marcaEnglish-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.