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a variant of bailie
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Closing remarks were delivered by the connoisseur Bailli DelegueMichel Lhuillier, after which certificates of appreciation were handed out to the hotel staff.
The menu which took several months to finalize, was through the tastings held by Bailli De Manille's Federico Borromeo and wine expert Jay Labrador, with Grand Hyatt executive chef Mark Hagan.
The sole piece of furniture in the Bailli's apartment was a sofa.
Federico 'Freddie' Borromeo was the very happy and busy Bailli of the Bailliage de Manille, with his pretty wife Josephine assisting him.
Robert Weener visited NHI in his role as the Bailli Delegue for the Bailliage du Sultanat d' Oman also known as the Chaine De Rotisseurs.
The emperor's envoy, his bailli Thomas of Acerra, took magnificent gifts to al-Kamil, including horses ftted with golden stirrups encrusted with jewels, ornaments, textiles, and falcons.
Abdelkrim Chikh avait bataille, avec Abderrezak Talbi, et les encouragements du P/APC, Bailli Farid, pour que ce lieu de sinistre memoire ne soit pas efface du paysage afin que le souvenir des souffrances vecues par les Algeriens, en particulier par les femmes, soit maintenu vivace.
Livret de MariusFrancois-Louis Gand Lebland, Bailli Du Roullet, d'apres Ranieri de' Calzabigi.
Caseation and demonstration of acid fast bacilli on cytology are almost always suggestive of tuberculous aetiology but problems arise when cytological evidences are inconclusive (for example, poorly-formed granuloma, neutrophilic infiltration, absence of acid fast bailli, etc.) and also in non-responders after initial ATD therapy, where drug resistance and paradoxical reactions are two common reasons.
The entry into Amiens also permitted Henry to strengthen his relations with the bailli of the city, Robert Le Jeune, who, like Cauchon, was a key supporter of the duke of Burgundy in the region.