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(in India and Pakistan) a garden
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'The Taliban targeted especially those, who either sided with their rival armed outfit, Ansaarul Islam, or sought the support of security forces to resist them,' said Nauroz Khan, a medical practitioner and a peace activist in Bagh Markaz area.
The police received information at 4:10 pm on Wednesday from Fortis Hospital located in Shalimar Bagh that a boy named Parth had died due to drowning in a swimming pool.
The newlyweds have spared no expense when it comes to their nuptials, and opted for the incredibly grand Ksar Char Bagh hotel in Marrakesh for the three day nuptials.
She said: "Under the command of Colonel Reginald Dyer, the British Indian Army fired rifles into a crowd of people, who were predominantly Sikhs but also Hindus and Muslims, gathered in Jallianwala Bagh to celebrate Vaisakhi.
UK PM expresses regret over Jallianwala Bagh massacre
He made it clear that filth station would be shifted from Liaquat Bagh soon, adding, the proposal for shifting would be sent this week to the concerned quarters.
Similarly Sub-Inspectors including Imran Yaqoob from Police line to Piplan PS,Muzaffar Khan from Police Lines to Chappri PS,Muhammad Ilyas Kalyar from Police Lines to Mosa Khel, Muhammad Iqbal from Kala Bagh to Baangi Khel and Asad Iqbal from Mosa Khel to Homicide Investigation Unit Esa Khel PS.
The director general said that the provincial food watchdog has sealed Abdullah Grinding Unit in Badami Bagh for adulteration.
Muhammad Usman said that provincial food regulatory body shut down Abdullah Grinding Unit on account of adulteration in Badami Bagh. He said that spices were being prepared on the surface of the earth by missing bran (choker), sawdust and loose non-food grade colour in it.
In Taj Bagh area, the authority raided Bukhari Muraba (Jam) factory and sealed it by confiscating 350kg of rotten fruits, 200kg of sugar syrup, 50kg of harmful chemicals, 20kg of textile colours, and non-food grade drums.
'Sindh Assembly had already passed the resolution against construction of Kala Bagh Dam and other Assemblies like KPK and Balochistan also rejected the Kala Bagh Dam issues', he said.
Mujeeb Pirzada advocate informed the court that Kala Bagh dam has become controversial as people of all the four provinces consider it a threat.