baby bonus

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baby bonus

(Social Welfare) informal Canadian family allowance
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The reduction in opportunity cost from not losing your position on the career ladder when you have a child, or from not having to give up your job to take care of a child, is probably a lot bigger in dollar terms than any government baby bonus could ever be.
Concerned about low birth rates in Italy, Bimbi--whose last name coincidentally means "babies" in Italian--is offering new parents a baby bonus of 2,000 [euro] (about $2,300), The Telegraph reports.
ROME * A Tuscan priest is offering a baby bonus of more than $2,000 to Italian Catholic families who have three or more children.
A baby bonus for closely matched couples could "help to maintain personality variation in the long run," says Sasha Dali of the University of Exeter in England, who has studied variety in animal personality.
First to receive the baby bonus at Hazel Walk were Rebecca Lancaster and daughter Ruby, and Joanne Tate, mum to twins Luka and Benji.
Slight resurgences in rates after 2006 appear at this time to have been temporary, possibly associated with the Howard Government's "baby bonus," introduced in 2004, although its impact on fertility remains a topic of debate (Anderson, 2007; Drago, Sawyer, Sheffler, Warren, & Wooden, 2009; Heard, 2006, 2010; Jackson, 2006; Lain et al., 2009; Lattimore & Pobke, 2008; Parr & Guest, 2011; Read, Crockett, & Watson, 2007; Risse, 2010).
Besides, the government also raised baby bonus cash gift too.
He also sees the baby bonus, not as middle class welfare but as a tax refund, "a benefit based not on need but on the contribution (parents) are making to Australia's future".
For example, further family assistance is available through programs such as the "baby bonus." (11) This is a A$5,000 allocation that is paid in 13 installments to all families making less than $75,000 ($78,292.50).
Except for multiple births, parents choose between Parental Leave Pay and the 'Baby Bonus' if eligible for both payments.