au lait

au lait

(əʊ ˈleɪ; French o lɛ)
(Cookery) prepared or served with milk
[French, literally: with milk]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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By my side was the empty bowl in which the concierge had brought me my cafe au lait and the fragment of croissant which I had not had appetite enough to eat.
GUILT-FREE PUDS IF you're a fan of the retro rice pud, you'll find Bonne Maman Riz au Lait Rice Pudding pots, PS2.59, in supermarkets absolutely heavenly.
After the success of the piano recital for four hands Cafe au Lait, piano duo Leoni Hadjithoma and Borislav Alexandrov return on Sunday, February 17 for a romantic programme with classical works that speak about love.
MARKET RASEN: 1.30 Parmenter, 2.00 Ezanak, 2.35 Cafe Au Lait, 3.10 Vendredi Trois, 3.40 Desert Retreat, 4.15 Sleep In First, 4.50 Premier Rose, 5.20 Longhouse Sale.
Apres avoir ete nourrie a la nurserie pendant deux jours au lait artificiel, sa fille a aussitot ete mise au sein des la sortie de l'hopital.
US-based "mom and baby" soft goods maker Bebe au Lait has acquired US-based baby bath accessories firm Puj, the company said.
The French "Cafe au Lait": Cafe au Lait literally means 'coffee with milk.' It is a French press coffee preparation with equal amounts of coffee brew and scalded milk (heated to 82A C to kill off bacteria and remove many proteins) and served with fresh pastries.
Le defenseur des consommateurs appelle, par ailleurs, les autorites a rouvrir les points de vente publics, estimant que ceci eliminera definitivement les problemes lies au lait en sachet.
The diagnosis requires six or more cafe au lait cafe-au-lait spots, each larger than 1, 5 cm in diameter.