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 (ăf′rə-dē′zē-ăk′, -dĭz′ē-)
Arousing or intensifying sexual desire.
Something, such as a drug or food, having such an effect.

[Greek aphrodīsiakos, from aphrodīsia, sexual pleasures, from Aphrodītē, Aphrodite.]

aph′ro·di·si′a·cal (-dĭ-zī′ĭ-kəl) adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


having an aphrodisiac quality
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.aphrodisiacal - exciting sexual desireaphrodisiacal - exciting sexual desire    
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References in periodicals archive ?
It has long been thought to have aphrodisiacal properties which may arise from the practice by shepherds of giving vervain to rams suffering from sexual exhaustion.
"Not just an exotic spice, saffron is also known for its medicinal value and its healing and aphrodisiacal qualities.
(8) The 16th and the 17th centuries have been referred to as the great age of the herbals, which are books containing names and descriptions of plants and their medical, hallucinogenic, aphrodisiacal, culinary or ornamental uses.
Perhaps the effect of spices on sexuality was indirect; according to a 16th century source, anise seeds, whatever their aphrodisiacal qualities, also "make the breath modest and pleasant to the taste a and dispels flatulence in the belly."
Elephants and rhinos lead the list of most killed animals because they are considered 'trophies.' Elephant ivory commands high prices on the black market while many people believe rhino horns to have both medicinal and aphrodisiacal properties, but poaching numbers for most other 'game' animals are declining, and at least part of the reason for this success is because of both public education and the voluntary refusal to serve such meats by places such as the Carnivore.
Featuring gardening tips, recipes, and beautiful full-color pencil drawings of each vegetable, "A Curious History of Vegetables: Aphrodisiacal and Healing Properties, Folk Tales, Garden Tips, and Recipes" by Wolf D.
OYSTERS THEY tend to be a "love them or hate them" food, but oysters - as well as being famed for aphrodisiacal property - have another super-power up their slippery sleeve: they're one of the best sources of zinc.
This exquisite reptile is subject to poaching and illegal trading resulting from the misconception about their medicinal and aphrodisiacal properties, as well as the belief that keeping this snake as a pet brings wealth and prosperity.
Mencken claimed that women were "not naturally religious": their "ordinary" devotion was little more than a convention imposed by "the masculine notion that an appearance of holiness is proper to their lowly station." If they ever displayed inordinate levels of piety--such as "driven to frenzies by the merits of the saints," "weeping over the sorrows of the heathen," or "spending hours on their knees in hysterical abasement before the heavenly throne"--the reason was likely a "fair and toothsome" ecclesiastic who was likely "a good deal more aphrodisiacal than learned."
After all, I am female, and Dr Hunt, a biochemist, said at a conference earlier this month that his "trouble with girls" in laboratories is that "you fall in love with them, they fall in love with you and when you criticise them, they cry." Certainly, then, he must have feared the possibility that two scientists might find themselves alone late one evening, with the aphrodisiacal power of scientific revelation unloosing their inhibitions.