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 (ĕn′ē-wâr′, -hwâr′)
1. To, in, or at any place.
2. To any extent or degree; at all: The project isn't anywhere near completion.
3. Used to indicate limits of variation: Anywhere from 300 to 400 patients suffered secondary infections.
Any place whatsoever.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. in, at, or to any place
2. get anywhere to be successful: it took three years before he got anywhere.
3. anywhere from any quantity, time, degree, etc, above a specified limit: he could be anywhere from 40 to 50 years old.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈɛn iˌʰwɛər, -ˌwɛər)

1. in, at, or to any place.
2. to any extent or degree: I'm not anywhere near finished.
3. any place or direction: The attack could come from anywhere.
get anywhere, to achieve success: You'll never get anywhere with that attitude.
usage: See anyplace.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


1. 'anywhere' and 'anyplace'

Anywhere means in any place, or in any part of a particular place.

It is better to have it in the kitchen than anywhere else.
They are the oldest rock paintings anywhere in North America.

Some speakers of American English say anyplace instead of 'anywhere'.

We're afraid to go anyplace alone.
Airports were more closely watched than anyplace else.
2. used in questions and negatives

Anywhere is very commonly used in questions and negative statements.

Is there a phone anywhere?
I decided not to go anywhere on holiday.
For more information, see somewhere
Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 2004, 2011, 2012
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adv.1.anywhere - at or in or to any placeanywhere - at or in or to any place; "you can find this food anywhere"; (`anyplace' is used informally for `anywhere')
colloquialism - a colloquial expression; characteristic of spoken or written communication that seeks to imitate informal speech
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


adverb anyplace, NEwer (S.M.S.) Did you try and get help from anywhere?
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
فَي أي مَكانفي أَيِّ مَكان
hvor som helst
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herhangi bir yerherhangi bir yer e
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1. (in questions, location) → en alguna parte, en algún lugar or sitio; (direction) → a alguna parte, a algún lugar or sitio
have you seen my coat anywhere?¿has visto mi abrigo en or por alguna parte?¿has visto mi abrigo por algún sitio?
can you see him anywhere?¿le ves por alguna parte or por algún sitio?
did you visit anywhere else?¿visitasteis algún otro sitio?
2. (with negatives, implied negatives, location) → por or en ninguna parte, por or en ningún sitio; (direction) → a ninguna parte, a ningún sitio
I can't find it anywhereno lo encuentro por or en ninguna parte, no lo encuentro por or en ningún sitio
I'm not going anywhereno voy a ninguna parte, no voy a ningún sitio
we didn't go anywhere specialno fuimos a ningún sitio especial
he was first and the rest didn't come anywhereél se clasificó primero y los demás quedaron muy por debajo
it's not available anywhere elseno lo tienen en ningún otro sitio, no lo tienen en ninguna otra parte
I wouldn't live anywhere elseno viviría en ninguna otra parte, no viviría en ningún otro sitio
I'm not going to live just anywhereyo no voy a vivir en cualquier sitio
it isn't anywhere near Castroforteestá bastante lejos de Castroforte
the house isn't anywhere near big enoughla casa no es ni por asomo lo bastante grande
it isn't anywhere near enough (sum of money) → con eso no hay suficiente ni mucho menos
that won't get you anywhereasí no conseguirás nada
3. (in affirmative sentences) → en cualquier parte
put the books down anywherepon los libros en cualquier parte or donde sea
anywhere you go you'll see the samedondequiera que vayas verás lo mismoverás lo mismo en cualquier parte a donde vayas
sit anywhere you likesiéntate donde quieras
she leaves her things just anywheredeja sus cosas en cualquier parte
you can buy stamps almost anywherese pueden comprar sellos casi en cualquier sitio
she could have been anywhere between 30 and 50 years oldpodría haber tenido desde 30 hasta 50 años
it would be the same anywhere elsesería lo mismo en cualquier otra parte
anywhere from 200 to 300 (US) → entre 200 y 300
anywhere in the worlden cualquier parte del mundo
we haven't found anywhere else to liveno hemos encontrado ningún otro sitio para vivir
it's miles from anywhereestá completamente aislado
a plane ticket to anywhere in the worldun billete de avión a cualquier parte del mundo
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[ˈɛnihwɛər] adv
(= no matter where) → n'importe où
anywhere in the world → n'importe où dans le monde
You can buy stamps almost anywhere → On peut acheter des timbres presque n'importe où.
(in interrogative sentences)quelque part
Have you seen my coat anywhere? → Est-ce que tu as vu mon manteau quelque part?
(in negative sentences)nulle part
I can't see him anywhere → Je ne le vois nulle part.
I can't find it anywhere → Je ne le trouve nulle part.
we're not getting anywhere (= not achieving anything) → cela ne nous mène à rien
... won't get you anywhere (= won't achieve anything)
Arrogance won't get you anywhere → L'arrogance ne mène à rien.
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


be, stay, liveirgendwo; go, travelirgendwohin; not anywherenirgends/nirgendwohin; too late to go anywherezu spät, um (noch) irgendwohin zu gehen; we never go anywherewir gehen nie (irgend)wohin; he’ll never get anywhereer wird es zu nichts bringen; I wasn’t getting anywhereich kam (einfach) nicht weiter; I haven’t found anywhere to live/to put my books yetich habe noch nichts gefunden, wo ich wohnen/meine Bücher unterbringen kann; the cottage was miles from anywheredas Häuschen lag jwd (inf); they are the oldest caves anywhere in the whole of North Americadas sind die ältesten Höhlen in ganz Nordamerika; there could be anywhere between 50 and 100 peoplees könnten (schätzungsweise) 50 bis 100 Leute sein
(= no matter where) be, stay, liveüberall; go, travelüberallhin; they could be anywheresie könnten überall sein; anywhere you likewo/wohin du willst; ready to go anywherebereit, überallhin zu gehen
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈɛnɪˌwɛəʳ] adv
a. (in interrogative sentences) → da qualche parte, in qualche posto
can you see him anywhere? → lo vedi da qualche parte?
anywhere else? → da qualche or nessun'altra parte?, in qualche or nessun altro posto?
b. (in negative sentences) → da nessuna parte, in nessun posto
I can't see him anywhere → non lo vedo da nessuna parte
they never go anywhere else → non vanno mai da nessun'altra parte
c. (no matter where) → da qualsiasi or qualunque parte, in qualunque or qualsiasi posto, dovunque
anywhere in the world → dovunque nel mondo
put the books down anywhere → metti i libri dove ti capita
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈeni) pronoun, adjective
1. one, some, no matter which. `Which dress shall I wear?' `Wear any (dress)'; `Which dresses shall I pack?' `Pack any (dresses)'.
2. (in questions and negative sentences etc) one, some. John has been to some interesting places but I've never been to any; Have you been to any interesting places?; We have hardly any coffee left.
every. Any schoolboy could tell you the answer.
at all; (even) by a small amount. Is this book any better than the last one?; His writing hasn't improved any.
ˈanybody, ˈanyone pronoun
1. (in questions, and negative sentences etc) some person. Is anybody there?
2. any person, no matter which. Get someone to help – anyone will do.
3. everyone. Anyone could tell you the answer to that.
ˈanyhow adverb
1. anyway. Anyhow, even if the problem does arise, it won't affect us.
2. in a careless, untidy way. Books piled anyhow on shelves.
ˈanything pronoun
1. (in questions, and negative sentences etc) some thing. Can you see anything?; I can't see anything.
2. a thing of any kind. You can buy anything you like; `What would you like for your birthday?' `Anything will do.'
ˈanyway adverb
nevertheless; in spite of what has been or might be said, done etc. My mother says I mustn't go but I'm going anyway; Anyway, she can't stop you.
ˈanywhere adverb
in any place at all. Have you seen my gloves anywhere?; I can't find them anywhere; `Where will I put these?' `Anywhere will do.'
at any rate
at least. It's a pity it has started to rain, but at any rate we can still enjoy ourselves at the cinema; The Queen is coming to see us – at any rate, that's what John says.
in any case
nevertheless. I don't believe the story but I'll check it in any case.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


في أَيِّ مَكان kdekoliv hvor som helst irgendwo οπουδήποτε en cualquier sitio missä tahansa n’importe où igdje in qualsiasi posto どこへでも 어딘가에 overal hvor som helst gdziekolwiek em qualquer lugar где (куда)-нибудь någonstans ที่ไหนก็ตาม herhangi bir yer ở bất cứ đâu 无论何处
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009


adv. dondequiera, en cualquier parte.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in classic literature ?
If they brought the child anywhere near the fire, it screamed loudly till they put it back into some cool place.
for he is the charmingest horse, and so beautiful and shiny and black, and hasn't another color on him anywhere, except a white star in his forehead, not just an imitation star, but a real one, with four points, shaped exactly like a star that's hand-made, and if you should cover him all up but his star you would know him anywhere, even in Jerusalem or Australia, by that.
"Trust thee for catching sight of him if he's anywhere to be seen," said Seth, smiling.
Among other things, he said that when he was at Rhodes he had leaped to such a distance that no man of his day could leap anywhere near him as to that, there were in Rhodes many persons who saw him do it and whom he could call as witnesses.
An English criminal, you know, is always better concealed in London than anywhere else."
It was only gradually during his convalescence that Pierre lost the impressions he had become accustomed to during the last few months and got used to the idea that no one would oblige him to go anywhere tomorrow, that no one would deprive him of his warm bed, and that he would be sure to get his dinner, tea, and supper.
The Wizard and Dorothy have both come here through the air, and I am told the earth people have invented airships that can fly anywhere they wish them to go."
I remember, too, when we had discovered and exhausted another topic of consolation in the circumstance of this ladies' cabin adjoining our state-room, and the consequently immense feasibility of sitting there at all times and seasons, and had fallen into a momentary silence, leaning our faces on our hands and looking at the fire, one of our party said, with the solemn air of a man who had made a discovery, 'What a relish mulled claret will have down here!' which appeared to strike us all most forcibly; as though there were something spicy and high-flavoured in cabins, which essentially improved that composition, and rendered it quite incapable of perfection anywhere else.
"Well, I rely on the goodness and truth of my master," said Sancho; "and so, because it bears upon what we are talking about, I would ask, speaking with all reverence, whether since your worship has been shut up and, as you think, enchanted in this cage, you have felt any desire or inclination to go anywhere, as the saying is?"
There isn't a single light anywhere, and the streets are like pitch.
I don't think I shall ever want to ride anywhere any more.
We had been very happy at Columbus, as we were apt to be anywhere, but none of us liked the narrowness of city streets, even so near to the woods as those were, and we were eager for the country again.