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v. an·tic·i·pat·ed, an·tic·i·pat·ing, an·tic·i·pates
a. To see as a probable occurrence; expect: We hadn't anticipated the crowds at the zoo. I anticipated that you might be in a hurry.
b. To think of (a future event) with pleasure; look forward to: She anticipated a pleasant hike in the country.
a. To deal with beforehand; act so as to mitigate, nullify, or prevent: We anticipated the storm by boarding up the windows. See Synonyms at expect.
b. To react to (someone) abruptly, especially to prevent someone from continuing or progressing: "Immediately he regretted his words and started to add: 'I didn't know you lived out this way.' But Bloekman anticipated him by asking pleasantly: 'So how's your wife?'" (F. Scott Fitzgerald).
c. To act in a way that blocks or vitiates the action of (another): "Professor Thomson had anticipated me and had obtained many patents on this principle" (Nikola Tesla).
3. To serve as a forerunner to or previous indication of: Her research in the previous decade anticipated these findings.
4. To use in advance, as income not yet available.
5. To pay (a debt) before it is due.
To think, speak, or write about a matter in advance.

[Latin anticipāre, anticipāt-, to take before : ante-, ante- + capere, to take; see kap- in Indo-European roots.]

an·tic′i·pat′a·ble adj.
an·tic′i·pa′tor n.
an·tic′i·pa·to′ry (-pə-tôr′ē) adj.
Usage Note: Traditionally, the verb anticipate has been used to mean "to deal with in advance, to forestall" (as in We anticipated the storm by boarding up the windows, which was accepted by 70 percent of the Usage Panel in 2014). Some commentators have frowned on the more recent usage that means "expect or look forward to," as in He is anticipating a visit from his son. But this usage has become increasingly accepted, with approval rates that grew from 62 percent in 1964 to 87 percent in 2002 and 95 percent in 2014. Even when the anticipated event is expressly stated to be positive, with no possible need for preventive or compensatory measures, as in We are anticipating a pleasant hike in the country, 93 percent of the Panel approved the usage (up from 81 percent in 2002). The fact that the Panelists now rate the "expect" sense higher than the "forestall" sense shows that the newer one is actually supplanting the old as the primary meaning of anticipate. There is a third sense, "to act in a way that blocks or vitiates the action of another" as in I ran to answer the doorbell but found my brother had anticipated me and let the guests in, where the object of anticipate is the one whose plans are rendered unnecessary rather than the plans themselves. A bit more than half of the Usage Panel accepted this sense of the verb, which is best considered uncommon but acceptable.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.anticipator - one who anticipatesanticipator - one who anticipates      
illusionist, seer, visionary - a person with unusual powers of foresight
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
With regard to multilateral cooperation, Cassis emphasized Switzerland's support for the UN reforms initiated by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, explaining that "Switzerland wants a more effective and efficient UN." He also briefed Pompeo on the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator foundation.
As for the diplomatic training, an agreement was reached between the two countries to establish a partnership between the Tunisian Academy that will be created in 2020 and the Geneva Science and Diplomacy Anticipator (GSDA) Foundation.
"She's a great anticipator. She got us going and she carried us.
Therein lay the prematurity of its action, for a justiciable controversy refers to an existing case or controversy that is appropriate or ripe for judicial determination, not one that is conjectural or merely anticipator,' it added.
Aligning with the business: DDI asked HR professionals to categorise themselves into one of three roles: Reactor, Partner, or Anticipator. It also asked line managers to categorise the role they believe their HR team members play.
With the faded figure of Abraham's servant-narrator in Genesis 24--first recessed, then very much center-stage as first anticipator and then recapitulator--we become especially cognizant of our own proxy-role as bystander and stand-in on the plane of reading.
Just like a utility baseball player, the accompanist also plays multiple roles of listener, trouble-shooter, anticipator, problem-solver, helper and overall supporter of the ensemble.
A correlation between maternal body mass index with education and income was shown in an African country's study.12 A study to explore the micronutrient deficiencies and nutritional characteristics of diets of the children in several countries discovered that the quality of diet rather than its quantity plays the key role and hence it should be improved to overcome mal-nutrition.13 In a South-American country, Brazil significant impact of maternal height and weight on children's nutriment was achieved when a study was performed in its daycare center.14 In our present study for northwestern rural China, we also found similar type of results in which maternal education feature was found be a positive anticipator for Z-score of WfH of the children.
Mosteller is a special assistant to President Barack Obama and director of Oval Office operations, and has been referred to as "anticipator in chief" by the ( Washington Post . Mahshie, on the other hand, is a trip coordinator for first lady Michelle Obama.
Clinical Nurse Leader practice is further distinguished by nine role competencies: clinician, outcomes manager, client advocate, educator, information manager, systems analyst and risk anticipator, team manager, member of a profession, and lifelong learner (AACN, 2007).
The AACN's White Paper on the Education and Role of the Clinical Nurse Leader (2007) explained the CNL role encompassed such roles as clinician, outcomes manager, client advocate, educator, information manager, systems analyst, risk anticipator, team manager, member of a profession, and lifelong learner.