
(redirected from alpargatas)


[Spanish, shoe with a sole of hempen or jute rope, from Mozarabic *alpargata : Andalusian Arabic al-parġa, the hempen rope shoe (al-, the + parġa, hempen rope shoe, from medieval Iberian Romance *abarca, of pre-Roman Iberian origin; akin to Basque abarka, Spanish abarca, and Catalan avarca, rawhide sandal) + probably Mozarabic *-ata, collective noun suffix (ultimately from Latin -āta, feminine singular and neuter plural of -ātus, past participle suffix of verbs with infinitives ending in -āre).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(Clothing & Fashion) a sandal
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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In the Apparel and Footwear sectors, it operates through Alpargatas S.A., which manages leading brands that are synonymous with innovation and design, such as Havaianas, which is one of the world's most valued brands, along with Osklen, Mizuno, Topper, Timberland and others.
Toni Pons is a Spanish footwear brand, which makes alpargatas or espadrilles of the highest quality.
He is also depicted wearing peasant footwear: "Recuerdo la bombacha, las alpargatas, recuerdo el cigarrillo, en el duro rostro, contra el nubarron ya sin limites" (520).
Em consequencia da pergunta, ele responde de forma detalhista o que ele ira calcar (dando foco as Alpargatas das Havaianas), as vestimentas que usara, com uma voz suave e usando adjetivos no diminutivo, o que da a impressao de um discurso intimista, vaidoso e carismatico.
como la ruana o las alpargatas, que se exhiben en carteleras y danzas en
La de Ocampo es una accion "patriota y heroica que en anos venideros podra contemplarse retrospectivamente como tentativa de recuperar un simbolo patrio de nacionalidad al fin caido en la abyeccion del lema 'alpargatas si, libros no'" (2013: 78-9).
The appeals court, in its November 2015 ruling said Kentex should be prosecuted for trademark infringement based on the complaint filed by Sao Paolo Alpargatas S.A.