allowable load

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allowable load

The total load that an aircraft can transport over a given distance, taking into account weight and volume. See also airlift capability; airlift requirement; load; payload.
Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.
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As an example, one #50 Super Stainless chain has a comparable maximum allowable load (MAL) to one #50-6AS (6-strand) roller chain.
Allowable load Component (failure mode) capacity (kips) 2 by 6 No.
Photo shows a screenshot of Globe SMS response to customers trying to share more than the allowable load credits.
[] = total allowable compressive capacity; [Q.sub.s] = allowable capacity due to side friction; [Q.sub.b] = allowable capacity due to end bearing; [f.sub.s] = allowable load transfer due to side resistance at depth z; dA = differential area of the perimeter along sides of drilled shaft over the penetration depth; [q.sub.b] = allowable unit end bearing capacity; and A = bottom area of pier.
Rooftop solar not only has limitations due to the size of the roof, but also due to the age of the roof and allowable load the roof can safely handle.
It exceeds the maximal allowable load of the gear of linear motor (150 N), thus the modernized grouping device cannot work in such a regime.
VIDA - A community meeting on the reduced allowable load limit on Goodpasture Covered Bridge will be held at 1 p.m.
Check both your maximum allowable load and tyre pressures.
The iVISOR mentor QGVA provides the operator with a graphic display of the crane and the current load and geometric information, including the actual and allowable load, boom length, boom angle and load radius.
Therefore, as shown above, extending the flaps not only reduces the allowable load factor to 2g from 3.8g for a Normal category airplane with flaps up, but also reduces the airplane's gust tolerance to 25 fps from 50 fps when the flaps are retracted.
For a given static allowable load, the ultimate permanent settlement increases with the amplitude of the cyclic load.