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an earthenware jar used to contain drugs, originating in the Middle East
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To illustrate this, musician Stefano Albarello performed a concert during which he played both the Arab oud and the European lute.
Albarello, "Possible effects of regional meteoclimatic conditions on HVSR," in Proceedings of the ATO SfP 980857--IT Intermediate Meeting, pp.
Lage, Tirado, Vanicore, Sabino, and Albarello (2015) emphasize that cell suspensions and calli are considered the most efficient biotechnological techniques for in vitro production of special metabolites, favoring the formation of a more homogenous system with high cellular proliferation with potential for large-scale production of these pigments.
Marchesi F, Piemonti L, Fedele G, Destro A, Roncalli M, Albarello L, et al.