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The applied science of soils in relation to crops.

ag′ro·log′ic (ăg′rə-lŏj′ĭk), ag′ro·log′i·cal adj.
ag′ro·log′i·cal·ly adv.
a·grol′o·gist n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


a person who specializes in agrology
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Meat processing company Atria Oyj (HEL: ATRAV) announced on Tuesday that the members elected to its nomination board at the Annual General Meeting are Jukka Kaikkonen, farmer, representative of Lihakunta; Henrik Holm, farmer, representative of Pohjanmaan Liha; Esa Kaarto, farmer, representative of Itikka Co-operative; Timo Sallinen director, Equities, representative of Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company and Seppo Paavola, agrologist, expert member and chairman of Atria's board of directors.
But you are an agrologist, so you know it isn't as simple as fencing in the pasture and letting loose a flock of sheep.
Students met with Randy Lamb, an agrologist at Yukon Agriculture, but also president of the Downtown Urban Gardeners' Society (Fig.
His passion has previously been recognized by the Agriculture Institute of Canada as Young Agrologist of the Year, and by his home community where he was named Agriculturist of the Year in 2013.
The authors thank Grace Andrea Montoya Rojas, Agrologist Sp, MSc, and PhD in Natural and Human Environment from the Department of Geography at Universidad de Salamanca, Spain, who guided us and motivated us to elaborate this article, for her exercise as graduate professor at Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano and research professor at Escuela Colombiana de Carreras Industriales.
This is not a perfect approach: not every regulated profession has a significant amount of social status--for instance, few Canadians would even know what a "shorthand reporter" or "agrologist" was, let alone hold them in high esteem.
He is a professional engineer, professional agrologist, SEATAB Consulting Services, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
"Many of the local association members have said that we have to do some work on canola, because their yields have not been as good recently as they have been in the past, and the value of the crop is dropping, so there's not as much opportunity for profit," says Graham Gambles, professional agrologist with the Temiskaming Shores Soil and Crop Association.
Saik is a professional agrologist and consumer who travels the world helping farmers feed our growing population.
(1) The review on the topic has been constructed by students from the Masters in Environmental Science at Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano and it is frameworked within the post-doctoral research on Geosciences and Landscape Ecology led by Agrologist Grace Andrea Montoya Rojas, PhD in the biodiversity and abiotic medium line of research of the GADES research group at ECCI.
He is a professional engineer and a professional agrologist. He conducts research in the areas of physical properties of agricultural products; modified atmosphere storage of grains, oilseeds, potatoes, and meat; mathematical modelling of stored grain ecosystems; and digital image processing for grading and processing operations in the agri-food industry.