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Loss of taste or ageusia - the ability to detect the five basic tastes of sweetness, sourness, saltiness, bitterness and savouriness (umami) - is much rarer than loss of smell, but can reduce with age or as a result of neurological conditions such as stroke or epilepsy, reduced saliva flow and zinc deficiency, explains Dr Sarah Brewer.
Moreover, there were no other symptoms of cranial nerve palsy, such as ageusia, facial palsy, reduced facial sensation, loss of gag reflex, and uvular deviation.
Sabe-se que os procedimentos adotados para o tratamento especifico do cancer de boca podem causar efeitos indesejaveis e/ou irreversiveis ao sistema estomatognatico, tais como xerostomia, fibrose dos tecidos irradiados, necrose de tecido osseo ou cartilagineo, perda de dentes, trismo, disfagia, disfonia, alteracao na articulacao da fala, ageusia ou hipogeusia e caries, comprometendo as funcoes de fonoarticulacao e dificuldades de degluticao de saliva e alimentos (19,21,26).
The medical condition ageusia affects which of the senses?
Major complications of the condition are chronic loss of taste (ageusia), chronic facial spasms, facial pain and corneal infections.
Ageusia is a rare side effect of terbinafine that occurs in 0.6% to 2.8% of patients taking the drug.
Then there is hypogeusia, where the ability to taste itself is reduced and ageusia, which is the complete inability to taste.
(2002) A new specific ageusia some humans cannot taste L-glutamate.