across the board

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a. A long flat slab of sawed lumber; a plank.
b. A long flat slab of another material, used as a structural member.
2. A flat, rigid, often rectangular piece of material used as a surface upon which to work: a cutting board; an ironing board.
3. A flat piece of rigid material designed to display information, especially:
a. A blackboard.
b. A bulletin board.
c. A scoreboard.
d. A toteboard.
4. Sports
a. A flat piece of material designed or equipped to be ridden as a sport, especially a snowboard, skateboard, or surfboard.
b. A diving board.
c. A backboard.
5. A flat, rigid piece of material on which a game is played, such as a checkerboard or chessboard.
a. A table at which official meetings are held; a council table.
b. An organized body of administrators or investigators: a board of trustees; a board of directors.
a. A table, especially one set for serving food.
b. Food or meals considered as a whole: board and lodging.
8. boards
a. Sports The wooden structure enclosing an area for skating, such as the ice on which hockey is played, or enclosing a playing area, as for indoor soccer.
b. A theater stage.
9. Basketball A rebound.
a. An electrical-equipment panel.
b. Computers A circuit board.
11. Nautical
a. The side of a ship.
b. A leeboard.
c. A centerboard.
12. Obsolete A border or edge.
v. board·ed, board·ing, boards
1. To cover or close with boards: board up a broken window.
a. To furnish with meals in return for pay.
b. To house where board is furnished: board a horse at a stable.
a. To enter or go aboard (a vehicle or ship).
b. To allow (passengers) on board.
c. Nautical To come alongside (a ship).
4. Sports To force (an opposing hockey player) into the boards with a body check.
5. Obsolete To approach.
1. To receive meals or food and lodging as a paying customer.
2. Sports To use a snowboard, skateboard, surfboard, or similar item.
across the board
So as to affect or include all people, classes, or categories: raised taxes across the board.
on board
1. Aboard.
2. Ready to participate or be included; amenable: The entire class was on board for the excursion to the park.

[Middle English bord, from Old English.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

across the board

- An allusion to the board displaying the odds in a horse race.
See also related terms for odds.
Farlex Trivia Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adv.1.across the board - including allacross the board - including all; "we got a pay raise across the board"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.

across the board

Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
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(boːd) noun
1. a strip of timber. The floorboards of the old house were rotten.
2. a flat piece of wood etc for a special purpose. notice-board; chessboard.
3. meals. board and lodging.
4. an official group of persons administering an organization etc. the board of directors.
1. to enter, or get on to (a vehicle, ship, plane etc). This is where we board the bus.
2. to live temporarily and take meals (in someone else's house). He boards at Mrs Smith's during the week.
ˈboarder noun
a person who temporarily lives, and takes his meals, in someone else's house.
ˈboarding-house noun
a house where people live and take meals as paying guests.
ˈboarding-school noun
a school which provides accommodation and food as well as instruction.
across the board adjective (etc) applying in all cases: They were awarded wage increases across the board; ()
an across-the-board increase.
go by the board
to be abandoned. All my plans went by the board when I lost my job.
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.
References in classic literature ?
But though neither spoke, they looked at one another, each thinking within himself that he had never seen a more lusty fellow than the one across the board.
TORONTO, ONTARIO, CANADA - To call Across The Board's frontwoman Jacqueline Auguste a "Warrior" is the understatement of the year.
About Across The Board: Across The Board (ATB) is an award-winning Canadian indie rock band of multi-instrumental musicians with over 700 youtube videos and several global and national indie music awards, including an Indie Music Channel Hall of Fame award for charting #4 on the iTunes Rock chart with their 2018 album "Sonic Boom", and charting top 20 just hours after the release of their 2019 album "Wild Ones" which they showcased at a sold-out concert at Toronto's iconic Opera House in March of 2019.
Shah demanded that across the board accountability should be ensured while observing due process of law.
Chairman NAB, on Thursday (December 6) while ruling out allegations of nepotism, had said the bureau is carrying out across the board accountability.
The governing body members also reprimanded the authority's water tariff proposals, saying how such an increase could be levied across the board. Lamenting that there was no homework done before putting up the proposal, it suggested that the LDA should categorise lifeline consumers as well as properties of different sizes and locations and recommend tariff increase on a rational basis.
"This is a fight we have to fight together against the enemies of the state and the country and there must not be any blame game against anyone," Rana said, while hoping that the political leaders across the board will show their sagacity and realize the gravity of the situation.
If there is to be accountability let there be across the board accountability.
This testifies the people's confidence and trust over NAB's performance by adopting 'Accountability for All' policy across the board.
Government said the reduction across the board will only affect approximately 4,140 employees; including civil servants that make above 1,000 USD.
The accountability of Zia was selective, partisan and without norms of decency and no regime in Pakistan since its inception till today has been able to carry out across the board accountability.