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(Bulgarian ˈʒifkof)
(Biography) Todor (ˈtɔdor). 1911–98, Bulgarian statesman and party leader; prime minister (1962–71); president (1971–89)
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in periodicals archive ?
The Financing Contract was signed on Tuesday by Eco Minister Nino Dimov and Montana Mayor Zlatko Zhivkov.
1998 - Bulgaria's Todor Zhivkov, Eastern Europe's last surviving strongman, died at the age of 86, marking the end of the Communist era in the Balkan state.
Todor Zhivkov was president of which European country 1971-89?
Of which European country did Todor Zhivkov become president in 1971?
| WHERE...was Todor Zhivkov the Chairman of the State Council from 1971-89?
Zhivkov combines some extremely contradictory and purely scientific theories created in the past few decades concerning the final two centuries of the controversial Khazar Khaganate, which thrived on the steppe from the seventh to tenth centuries.
The centre-right party of former prime minister Boiko Borisov, who once served as a bodyguard to Bulgaria's Communist dictator Todor Zhivkov, won 30.5 percent of Sunday's vote.
Plevneliev criticized Borisov, a former bodyguard of late Soviet-era dictator Todor Zhivkov, for quitting.
Yet Todor Zhivkov's statue stands in Zhivkov's home town of Pravets and some older Bulgarians seem to look back with an element of nostalgia on this period.
Debating the past; modern Bulgarian history; from Stambolov to Zhivkov.
Summary: The airplane of former Bulgarian Communist ruler Todor Zhivkov was submerged in the Black Sea waters near the city of Varna to attract scuba divers and tourists to the sunny coasts of northeastern Bulgaria.