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 (vĕr′nər), Abraham Gottlob 1749-1817.
German geologist who developed a classification system for minerals and argued that all rocks had been formed in a primeval ocean.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(German ˈvɛrnər)
1. (Biography) Abraham Gottlieb (ˈaːbrəham ˈɡɔtloːp). 1749–1817, German geologist. He emphasized the importance of field and laboratory observation for understanding the earth
2. (Biography) Alfred (ˈalfreːt). 1866–1919, Swiss chemist, born in Germany. He developed a coordination theory of the valency of inorganic complexes: Nobel prize for chemistry 1913
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
References in classic literature ?
For a quartermaster had entered the wheelhouse, and even while we had been speaking the pilot had taken possession of the bridge; as we descended, the tender left us with flying handkerchiefs and shrill good-bys; and as we bowed to Miss Werner on the promenade deck, there came a deep, slow throbbing underfoot, and our voyage had begun.
"Well," I said, "it wasn't for Miss Werner you wanted us to play strangers, was it?
He was clad in a quiet gray suit with a moderately harmonious purple tie; but Fisher saw something about the turn of his fair mustache and the lie of his flat hair--it suddenly revealed that his name was Franz Werner.
A bankruptcy company promoter named Werner discovered the secret and blackmailed the squire into surrendering the estate.
I have seen so many remarkable things in him, that if you would have me really say what I think, I shall reply that I really do look upon him as one of Byron's heroes, whom misery has marked with a fatal brand; some Manfred, some Lara, some Werner, one of those wrecks, as it were, of some ancient family, who, disinherited of their patrimony, have achieved one by the force of their adventurous genius, which has placed them above the laws of society."
One of the nation's largest transportation and logistics companies, Werner reported revenue of $627.5 million, up 1 percent year-over-year as trucking revenue net of fuel surcharge increased 4 percent to $411.5 million and logistics revenue declined 2 percent in the period to $130.9 million.
TOM WERNER believes Jurgen Klopp has put Liverpool in a position where they can both attract and retain the best players in world football.
MUNICH: RB Leipzig CEO Oliver Mintzlaff admitted on Saturday that Bayern Munich target Timo Werner is on the verge of leaving the club.Germany striker Werner joined Leipzig in 2016 and has scored 59 goals in 108 games for the Bundesliga side.
Werner Electric Supply has hired Bruce Thompson to be its North Central territory sales manager and Dale Gralapp to be an account manager, both in Werner Electric's Appleton office.
The facility is a project of Werner Enterprises Inc., based in Omaha, Nebraska.