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Underwriters' Laboratories (used esp. on labels for electrical appliances approved by this nonprofit safety-testing organization).
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References in periodicals archive ?
Beginner lessons are available through Ulen, but should you choose to avoid those, as I did on occasion, there's no shortage of runs to test your skill.
MPs and environmentals were among those casting doubt on Tuesday's announcement by five-time winner of the Alpine skiing World Cup that in 2016 he had bought the Ulen company that runs the Bansko resort in south-western Bulgaria.
A eficiencia, por sua vez, e fundamental nos objetivos de qualquer politica publica, dado que custos menores sao os mais importantes para o Estado em sua consecucao (COOTER; ULEN, 2010, p.
65 Withheld upon request 66 Withheld upon request 67 66 West Central Ag Services Mixed (Grain, Supply) Ulen, Minn.
(16.) See Robert Cooter & Thomas Ulen, Law And Economics (3d Ed.
(12.) See, e.g., ROBERT COOTER & THOMAS ULEN, LAW AND ECONOMICS 204 (6th ed.
Ulen, A Nobel Prize in Legal Science: Theory, Empirical Work, and the Scientific Method in the Study of the Law, 2002 U.