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An ancient city of western Syria on the Mediterranean Sea. It flourished as a trade center from c. 1450 to 1195 bc but was destroyed soon after, possibly by an earthquake. Excavation of the ruins (beginning in 1929) has unearthed important cuneiform tablets.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˌu gəˈrit, ˌyu-)

an ancient city on the site of modern Ras Shamra, in NW Syria, fl. 2nd millennium b.c.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Among the topics are Late Bronze Age copper production in Cyprus from a mining geologists perspective, the early phases of metallurgy and metalwork in Enkomi, metallurgy and metalworking in the harbor town of Knossos at Poros-Katsambas, the evidence for metallurgical workshops of the second millennium in Ugarit, and new perspectives on Iron Age copper production and society in the Faynan region of Jordan.
Ritual and Cult at Ugarit. By Dennis Pardee (Society of Biblical Literature, $29.95).
Basically this book with its 600-item bibliography is an arguably acceptable psychoanalysis of Assyria's war-machine in relation to Ugarit and the Bible.
The retailer's planning struggles come fewer than two years on from a similar problem for Ugarit restaurant, on nearby Cross Church Street.
It also approved the investment of a tourism complex project at Ugarit, the establishment of an ecological tourist village in Samra area of Lattakia, all of which aim at improving the business conditions of tourism and creating a large number of job opportunities in a community based on tourism, as well as supporting of the national economy.
Particularly interesting is her interpretation of the Ugarit scores as lute board notation.
Among the topics are a political history of Ugarit, Hittite cultural influence in the kingdom of Amurru, the great scribe Taki-Sarruma, a Hittite-Assyrian diplomatic exchange in the late 13th century BCE, the Urhi-Tesub affair in the Hittite-Egyptian correspondence, and new evidence on the end of the Hittite empire.
Ugarit, for example, has shed invaluable light on Yahweh by its record of the Canaanite god El, but ideas of death and the afterlife at Ugarit are now seen as offering little help for understanding the Old Teastament's views on these matters.
Part 2 is devoted to the religions of Syria-Palestine, beginning with Ugarit. Cohn accepts the view of J.
93 that both "RS" and "Ug" must have been imported along with other texts from Hattusa to Ugarit cannot be proven or disproven, and thus remains questionable.
The Most popular dishes are: | Kabseh Lamb from Lebanese restaurant Ugarit on Cross Church Street; | Koobideh (meat kebab) from Persian restaurant Apadana on Viaduct Street ; | Mixed Bento from Little Lotus Sushi in the Kingsgate Shopping Centre; | The Classic Burger from Ox & Bone at The Melting Pot, Firth Street; | Chicken Tikka Masala from Kashmiri restaurant Lala's in St George's Square.
The one-week event wrapped up activities on Saturday with a traditional folk show performed by Ugarit dance group entitled "Syria..