Debates on free speech nowadays tend to revolve around whether one should be free to call their Pakistani neighbor racial slurs without consequence or whether university students should be allowed to shout at guest lectures who pontificate on the mental health of
transpeople and the mental inferiority of black people.
A simple solution: any female who is happy to share with men and thereby validate
transpeople: by all means, use the men's, which you can rebrand as "mixed sex".
Having (hopefully) convinced us that the bridge between Christians and
transpeople needs to be built, Hartke takes us into a nuts-and-bolts chapter of the ''Trans-Affirming Toolbox." This has real action items for one's church, school and neighborhood to help bring about healing from a shameful history of injustice.
First-ever research on healthcare needs of
transpeople carried out in Pakistan
Local online protests lead for instance to strong backlash from women, men and
transpeople to Trustco's transphobic and misogynous advertisement which suggested that 'some (women) will do anything to get a seat' on their board.
As I showed, whereas in the past femmes, butches and
transpeople were viewed in lesbian-feminist spaces as suspicious positions derived from either false consciousness or betrayal, within current queer discourse the positions of the butch and the transgender have been reclaimed and re-conceptualized as viable and legitimate positions, redefining in turn the boundaries of queer space.
In terms of reflecting on real lives and celebrating only the right things, I hope that, through cinema, women, men and
transpeople would feel strongly about challenging the status quo, investigate and find ways to remedy the issues," she said.
The DSM 5 and the politics of diagnosing
transpeople. Arch Sex Behav.
MANDY VAN DEVEN: "Tranny" is a hotly contested word that reflects a lot of
transpeople's struggles, and it is generously peppered throughout this book in a seemingly intentional way.
I want to put this out there, because it is bad enough to have to deal with being misgendered -to have someone call me 'maam' when I am a 'sir'--but it's egregious to be called on to REPRESENT all
Transpeople everywhere because I am often the only one in the room.
Endocrine care of
transpeople part II: a review of cross-sex hormonal treatments, outcomes and adverse effects in transwomen.