References in periodicals archive
Operating five production facilities, including the largest potato processing plant in Switzerland, Frigemo produces over 45,000 metric tons of product per year and has earned a 58 per cent market share of the Swiss french fry market.
Les velches, as the Swiss French call themselves, are well aware of the difference between themselves and their German-speaking countrymen.
By the same logic Swiss French clearly belonged with their fellow French-speakers and Swiss Italians with Italy.
Dictionary browser
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- swinish
- swink
- Swinker
- Swinney
- swipe
- swipe card
- swiper
- swipes
- swipey
- Swiple
- Swipper
- Swipple
- swire
- swirl
- swish
- swishy
- Swiss
- Swiss army knife
- Swiss ball
- Swiss canton
- Swiss chard
- Swiss cheese
- Swiss cheese plant
- Swiss Confederation
- Swiss franc
- Swiss French
- Swiss German
- Swiss Guard
- Swiss mountain pine
- Swiss muslin
- Swiss people
- Swiss pine
- Swiss Re Tower
- Swiss roll
- Swiss steak
- Swiss stone pine
- Swiss tournament
- Swiss-French
- Swiss-German
- swissing
- switch
- switch back
- Switch board
- switch cane
- switch engine
- switch grass
- switch hitter
- switch horn
- switch knife
- switch off
- switch on
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Full browser
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- Swiss Federal Railway
- Swiss Federal Statistical Office
- Swiss Federal Tax Administration
- Swiss Federal Veterinary Office
- Swiss Federation for Adult Learning
- Swiss Federation of Trade Unions
- Swiss Financial Analysts Association
- Swiss Financial Market Services
- Swiss Financial Planners Organization
- Swiss Fire Fighters Association
- Swiss Flash User Group
- Swiss Forum for International Agricultural Research
- Swiss Foundation for Alpine Research
- Swiss franc
- Swiss franc
- Swiss franc
- Swiss franc
- Swiss franc
- Swiss franco
- Swiss franco
- Swiss franco
- Swiss Francs
- Swiss Francs
- Swiss Francs
- Swiss Frank
- Swiss Frank
- Swiss Frank
- Swiss Franken
- Swiss Franken
- Swiss Franken
- Swiss French
- Swiss French language
- Swiss Futures and Options Association
- Swiss gaurds
- Swiss gaurds
- Swiss Gay and Lesbian Sports
- Swiss German
- Swiss German
- Swiss German language
- Swiss German University
- Swiss Graduate School of Management
- Swiss Group for Artificial Intelligence and COgnitive science
- Swiss Group for Mass Spectrometry
- Swiss Group of International Schools
- Swiss Guard
- Swiss Guard
- Swiss Guards
- Swiss Guards
- Swiss Handball League
- Swiss Helicopter Design Group
- Swiss Hong Kong Business Association
- Swiss Hotel Management School
- Swiss Hotel Schools Association
- Swiss Human Rights League
- Swiss Humanitarian Aid
- Swiss Ice Hockey Association
- Swiss Import Promotion Programme
- Swiss Industrial Abrasive
- Swiss Information and Communications Technology Association
- Swiss Information and Data Archives Service for the Social Sciences
- Swiss Institute for Art Research
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