Soldier fly

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(Zool.) any one of numerous species of small dipterous flies of the genus Stratyomys and allied genera. They are often bright green, with a metallic luster, and are ornamented on the sides of the back with markings of yellow, like epaulets or shoulder straps.

See also: Soldier

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Farmers should also expect better, hopefully cheaper fish feeds in which black soldier fly will replace omena as a source of protein.
Europe is the leading/significant region across the world in terms of market share owing to the approvals for the rearing and consumption of insects such as crickets, black soldier fly, and mealworms.
A few miles south of Bergen op Zoom, meanwhile, the Insect Technology Group (ITG) is hard at work building another high-profile insect factory, with the aim of using the black soldier fly to convert EU-approved organic substrates, such as vegetable waste, into high level fish and chicken feed and pharmaceutical products.
The plant will produce insect protein as well as fertilizer by converting organic waste using the larvae of the black soldier fly.
It has recommended amendment of ingredient definition for BSFL (Black Soldier Fly Larvae) in a bid to include it in the poultry feed.
Moreover, FDA has also allowed the use of insect proteins, such as use of BFSL (Black Soldier Fly Larvae), in poultry feed that can act as a sustained protein source.
Sabah may soon implement a black soldier fly project to produce organic fertilisers for local farmers while helping to solve food wastes more effectively, said State Minister of Agriculture and Food Industry Datuk Junz Wong.
M2 EQUITYBITES-September 11, 2018-EnviroFlight LLC to include dried black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) ingredient to poultry upon US FDA recommendation
Global Banking News-September 11, 2018-EnviroFlight LLC to include dried black soldier fly larvae (BSFL) ingredient to poultry upon US FDA recommendation
Popular insect food choices include cricket, grasshopper, mealworm, and black soldier fly larvae.
Protix' knowledge and technology has pioneered the production of the black soldier fly larvae, which is especially good at recovering proteins from food scraps.