(2012) showed that dormice in Central Italy are able to cover distances of up to 106 m across open fields, whereas Chanin & Gubert (2012) described dormice occasionally crossing treeless- and shrubless gaps.
However, Parmenter and MacMahon (1983) discovered that following removal of shrubs, deermice continued to inhabit shrubless areas and other species of rodents migrated elsewhere.
An amazing place, the Nullarbor: 77,000 square miles of scorched, shrubless desert between Adelaide and Perth; hour upon hour of bleak countryside that looks like Farmer Morebottle's tattie fields after he's sprayed them to kill off the shaws.
From the rear seat of my stretch limousine (nothing comes small here) I saw glittering, mirage-like hotels rising serenely from the shrubless sand, creating a stunning skyline.