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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Serpentes - snakesSerpentes - snakes          
animal order - the order of animals
order Squamata, Squamata - diapsid reptiles: snakes and lizards
ophidian, serpent, snake - limbless scaly elongate reptile; some are venomous
Colubridae, family Colubridae - nonvenomous snakes; about two-thirds of all living species
Boidae, family Boidae - boas and pythons
Elapidae, family Elapidae - cobras; kraits; mambas; coral snakes; Australian taipan and tiger snakes
family Viperidae, Viperidae - Old World vipers
Crotalidae, family Crotalidae - New World vipers: pit vipers
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References in periodicals archive ?
Observations on the reproduction of Python molurus bivittatus (Reptilia, Serpentes, Boidae).
(Nematoda: Rhabdiasidae), a parasite of Brothrops atrox (Linnaeus) (Reptilia: Serpentes: Viperidae) in Brazilian Amazonia.
Neither a typical field guide nor an exhaustive reference, "American Snakes" is instead a fascinating study of the suborder Serpentes. Brimming with intriguing and unusual stories of hognose snakes that roll over and play dead, blindsnakes with tiny vestigial lungs, rainbow-hued dipsadines, and wave-surfing sea-snakes, the text is interspersed with scores of gorgeous full-color images of snakes, from the scary to the sublime.
Os repteis atualmente sao classificados em quatro Ordens viventes: Testudines (representada por Cagados, Jabutis e Tartarugas), Squamata (representada por Anfisbenas, Serpentes e Lagartos), Crocodylia (representada por Crocodilos, Jacares e Gaviais) e Sphenodontia (representada pelos Tuataras) (BERNARDE & MACHADO, 2006).
A new species of Hepatozoon (Apicomplexa: Adeleorina) from Python regius (Serpentes: Pythonidae) and its experimental transmission by a mosquito vector.
As is to be expected, every square inch of wall and floor space in the classroom is dedicated to the suborder Serpentes, under which all modern snakes are grouped.
(2010) Diversidad del ensamble de serpientes (Squamata: Serpentes) en elementos del paisaje del sur del departamento de Cordoba-Colombia.
Hoser RT (1998) A New Snake from Queensland, Australia (Serpentes: Elapidae).
Sustento su tesis doctoral en la UNMSM en 1973, titulada "Una nueva especie del genero Sibynomorphus (Serpentes: Colubridae)".