Samian ware

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Related to Samian ware: terra sigillata

Samian ware

1. (Archaeology) a fine earthenware pottery, reddish-brown or black in colour, found in large quantities on Roman sites
2. (Archaeology) Also called: Arretine ware the earlier pottery from which this developed, an imitation of a type of Greek pottery, made during the first century bc at Arretium
[C19: named after the island of Samos, source of a reddish-coloured earth resembling terra sigillata, similar to the earth from which the pottery was made]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.Samian ware - earthenware made from the reddish-brown clay found on the Aegean island of Lemnos
earthenware - ceramic ware made of porous clay fired at low heat
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References in periodicals archive ?
A piece of Samian ware pottery - mainly made in what is now France - features what looks like a Christmas reindeer.
Molehills there have produced a piece of Roman Samian ware pottery, a jet bead and a decorative bronze dolphin.
The subject is Roman Samian ware and other Roman pottery.
Metal detectors have been used to discover large quantities of lead, and other finds include high quality Samian ware pottery made in Gaul - now southern France - and exported all over the Roman Empire.
Among the discoveries is Samian ware pottery, made in Gaul - now southern France - and exported across the Roman Empire.
Collingwood was an early archaeological theorist, knowledge systems in the production of terra sigillata, potters' stamps on Samian ware and their implications for the Roman provincial economy, Sulpicia Lepidina and Elizabeth Custer as a cross-cultural analogy for the social role of women on a military frontier, and devotional pathways in late antique and early medieval Rome.
There's even a complete dinner service in Samian ware, probably dumped on the fort's rubbish heap because it arrived from Rome in a less than serviceable condition.
Many wealthy Romans liked to own decorated Samian ware cups, plates, bowls and vases made of special red clay shipped to Britain from Gaul (France).
The polished Samian ware came from France, the black pottery from Germany, and other earthenware from the east and west Midlands.
The newspaper finds follow the discovery of a piece of samian ware - a type of glossy red pottery from the Roman era, as well as pieces of 13th Century stained glass - in April this year.