Samian ware
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Related to Samian ware: terra sigillata
Samian ware
1. (Archaeology) a fine earthenware pottery, reddish-brown or black in colour, found in large quantities on Roman sites
2. (Archaeology) Also called: Arretine ware the earlier pottery from which this developed, an imitation of a type of Greek pottery, made during the first century bc at Arretium
[C19: named after the island of Samos, source of a reddish-coloured earth resembling terra sigillata, similar to the earth from which the pottery was made]
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Noun | 1. | Samian ware - earthenware made from the reddish-brown clay found on the Aegean island of Lemnos earthenware - ceramic ware made of porous clay fired at low heat |
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